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Scientific research of all kinds should be guided by statistical thinking: in the design and conduct of the study, in the disciplined exploration and enlightened display of the data, and to avoid statistical pitfalls in the interpretation of the results. However, formal, probability-based statistical inference should play no role in most scientific research, which is inherently exploratory, requiring flexible methods of analysis that inherently risk overfitting. The nature of exploratory work is that data are used to help guide model choice, and under these circumstances, uncertainty cannot be precisely quantified, because of the inevitable model selection bias that results. To be valid, statistical inference should be restricted to situations where the study design and analysis plan are specified prior to data collection. Exploratory data analysis provides the flexibility needed for most other situations, including statistical methods that are regularized, robust, or nonparametric. Of course, no individual statistical analysis should be considered sufficient to establish scientific validity: research requires many sets of data along many lines of evidence, with a watchfulness for systematic error. Replicating and predicting findings in new data and new settings is a stronger way of validating claims than blessing results from an isolated study with statistical inferences.  相似文献   
皮革转移印花纸的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了皮革转移印花纸的制备过程及转移印花工艺,讨论了基纸,防水剂,树脂,转移印花温度和时间对转移印花效果的影响。试验结果表明,自制皮革转移印花纸基本上达一国外同类产品的水平。  相似文献   
目前对涂布过程中流体的研究多为牛顿流体,而实际流体为非牛顿流体,针对研究结果与实际偏差较大,难以用 于指导实际生产的缺点,提出了一种应用POLYFLOW软件对非牛顿流体涂布过程进行仿真的方法。建立了涂布刀二维 仿真模型,包括涂布刀二维几何模型、网格模型、涂布刀物理模型参数设置、非牛顿流体模型参数设置几个方面。仿真结 果得到了不同影响因素下非牛顿流体的静压力图及速度图。研究表明:涂布刀所受压力与离型速度成正相关关系,与温 度、涂布刀与辊轮的间隙和涂布刀安装角度成负相关关系。进而为实际生产提出了建议:安装涂布刀时,安装角度尽可 能大;涂层较薄时,可增加约束或自动调节机构减少涂布刀的受力变形;适当控制离型纸速度;适当增加涂料的温度。该 方法比较真实地模拟了非牛顿流体在涂布过程中的流动,为涂布行业提高产品质量提供理论依据。  相似文献   
针对数控皮革裁床在进行样片排版时,容易出现由于样片扩展轮廓错误而引起样片间隙过小,导致刀具过切的 问题,提出了一种新的算法,即将旋转法和直线过渡法结合以解决样片的扩展轮廓描述。用平移和旋转法将样片轮廓的 每个非光滑转接处的复杂情形简化为几类一般的情形,并把样片的二维扩展轮廓算法归纳为直线接直线、直线接圆弧、 圆弧接圆弧3大类。通过对各外扩图元之间的转接情况进行几何分析并对各转接点位置进行精确计算,以实现样片扩 展轮廓的正确描述。应用结果表明:该算法简单可靠,所得样片扩展轮廓准确无误。该算法具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   
通过对温州市平阳县水头镇皮革业污水污染现状调查及原因进行分析,提出如何从宏观政策措施和微观治理技术两方面进行治理和改进.  相似文献   
渡水皮具(浮囊、皮筏和皮船)在我国古代交通史和军事史上具有重要地位,目前学界关于其形制、起源、传播等问题的认识分歧较大。就形制而言,历史文献记载的“皮船”并非学界多认为的“皮筏”;关于其起源,目前学界主张的我国浮囊源于上古说、春秋说以及皮筏最晚始于东汉说,均属推测性结论。从文献记载来看,我国浮囊渡水仍旧只能追溯到唐代中叶;就传播而言,唐代以来,浮囊已成为中原军队重要的军事渡水装备,因此浮囊自西夏传入中原的学界观点不足为信。此外,云南丽江的浮囊渡水习俗,自蒙古军攻大理时传入的可能性更大。  相似文献   
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