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作为民法的一项基本原则,意思自治在遗嘱继承中的作用日益凸现。本文在追溯遗嘱自由原则发展演变的基础上,对意思自治原则在遗嘱继承中的体现做了一个全面的介绍,并就完善我国继承法对遗嘱自由原则的设计提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   
根据社会形势对人才提出的新要求,结合大学生的身心特点和心理现状,高校的心理健康教育,应着力于心理健康知识、心理调适方法和心理疾病的防治等方面。  相似文献   
苗族刺绣已被列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产,具有鲜明的艺术特色,但由于受传承方式等的影响,苗绣有濒临失传危机。因此,必须采取多种措施,强化苗绣的保护传承和开发利用。  相似文献   
Informal caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease spend a considerable amount of time providing care. In this paper, we use Grossman's health production and Becker's time allocation models to develop a model of informal care provision to elderly dementia patients. In our model, time inputs produce caregiving services, which provides utility to the caregiver, but reduces leisure. We assume that time is less productive of services on the margin as the disease progresses. In this framework, an increase in patients' disease severity does not necessarily increase informal caregiver time input. The cost of formal care establishes a reservation price for informal caregiving. When the costs of informal caregiving rise above this reservation level, the patient is institutionalized. We test empirically the effect of deterioration in the patients' condition, proxied by both disease severity and dementia problem behavior, on informal caregiving time. We find that dementia-related problem behaviors and functional limitations significantly increase inputs of informal caregiving time. Patients' problem behavior exerts a modifying effect on functional limitations, and patients' comorbidities have no effect on informal caregiving time.  相似文献   
中国绘画历史悠久、风格独特,各时代、各民族的画派、风格、艺术形式、表现技法不断演变、提高,形成了具有浓厚的民族风格和鲜明的时代特色的中国绘画。继承优良传统是发展中国画的重要基础,但如何在继承中求发展,是中国画发展的生命线,吴湖帆将不同风格与流派融于笔端,在继承前人经验的基础上,成功的走出了自己的艺术道路,并对山水画的发展发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
对于国民党二大《妇女运动决议案》中“女子有财产继承权”的规定,民国最高法院采取了折中的立场进行限制性解释。其所面临的两难情形揭示出了法律制度的悖论。为在动荡中达到均衡,于激变中求得稳实之法,法律职能部门应在实践中发挥调整器的作用。  相似文献   
三门峡上村岭虢国墓地车马坑是迄今为止发现的西周春秋时期规模较大、等级齐全、排列有序的贵族墓祔葬车马坑。虢国车马坑葬继承和沿用商周车马殉葬制,又适应和迎合社会进步及变革需要,对车马坑的殉葬内容和形式进行变通与革新,摒弃车葬坑和同穴葬,整车葬成为主流形式,并盛行车马葬和异穴葬,车马排列有序,殉葬性质更加明确,是象征性、明器化殉葬的滥觞,殉人制消失,显示出传统车马坑葬制开始出现瓦解的苗头。大量车马坑葬在虢国墓地出现,反映了虢国生产力发展水平和崇勇尚武世风,更反映了车马坑主人的身份等级,它与列鼎制紧密配合,形成了一个不可分割的整体。  相似文献   
“和平崛起”战略不仅是中国高层向国际社会的庄重承诺,更是社会主义中国的历史选择。这一战略是在同一时代主题、同一战略目标和同一利益要求下对邓小平“韬光养晦”和平外交思想的继承、丰富和发展。  相似文献   
<再别康桥>的思想蕴涵该如何解说?其艺术特色又有什么主导趋向?当我们溯源于传统就会发现,这首诗从思想传达方法到艺术表现手段,在我们的文学传统里多能找到相关性说明.五四以降的现当代文学,从传统视角去做作品分析,进行文学批评,并在溯源性分析中厘定传统,寻求传统向现代转化的途径,十分重要.尤其是在全球化语境的今天.  相似文献   
On Block Updating in Markov Random Field Models for Disease Mapping   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) models are commonly used to model spatial correlation in disease mapping applications. For Bayesian inference by MCMC, so far mainly single-site updating algorithms have been considered. However, convergence and mixing properties of such algorithms can be extremely poor due to strong dependencies of parameters in the posterior distribution. In this paper, we propose various block sampling algorithms in order to improve the MCMC performance. The methodology is rather general, allows for non-standard full conditionals, and can be applied in a modular fashion in a large number of different scenarios. For illustration we consider three different applications: two formulations for spatial modelling of a single disease (with and without additional unstructured parameters respectively), and one formulation for the joint analysis of two diseases. The results indicate that the largest benefits are obtained if parameters and the corresponding hyperparameter are updated jointly in one large block. Implementation of such block algorithms is relatively easy using methods for fast sampling of Gaussian Markov random fields ( Rue, 2001 ). By comparison, Monte Carlo estimates based on single-site updating can be rather misleading, even for very long runs. Our results may have wider relevance for efficient MCMC simulation in hierarchical models with Markov random field components.  相似文献   
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