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一种嵌入式GUI软件结构实现方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合比较了嵌入式GUI的几种实现方式,结合嵌入式系统的特点,研究了嵌入式GUI中的关键技术,分析了嵌入式GUI与普通GUI系统的不同之处,提出一种通用的嵌入式图形用户界面系统的设计思想和体系结构,这种嵌入式GUI实现方案具有轻型、占用资源少、可剪裁等特点。  相似文献   
In this paper, we discuss several concepts in causal inference in terms of causal diagrams proposed by Pearl (1993 , 1995a , b ), and we give conditions for non-confounding, homogeneity and collapsibility for causal effects without knowledge of a completely constructed causal diagram. We first introduce the concepts of non-confounding, conditional non-confounding, uniform non-confounding, homogeneity, collapsibility and strong collapsibility for causal effects, then we present necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform non-confounding, homegeneity and collapsibilities, and finally we show sufficient conditions for non-confounding, conditional non-confounding and uniform non-confounding.  相似文献   
We consider acyclic directed mixed graphs, in which directed edges ( x → y ) and bi-directed edges ( x ↔ y ) may occur. A simple extension of Pearl's d -separation criterion, called m -separation, is applied to these graphs. We introduce a local Markov property which is equivalent to the global property resulting from the m -separation criterion for arbitrary distributions.  相似文献   
Abstract.  A Markov property associates a set of conditional independencies to a graph. Two alternative Markov properties are available for chain graphs (CGs), the Lauritzen–Wermuth–Frydenberg (LWF) and the Andersson–Madigan– Perlman (AMP) Markov properties, which are different in general but coincide for the subclass of CGs with no flags . Markov equivalence induces a partition of the class of CGs into equivalence classes and every equivalence class contains a, possibly empty, subclass of CGs with no flags itself containing a, possibly empty, subclass of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). LWF-Markov equivalence classes of CGs can be naturally characterized by means of the so-called largest CGs , whereas a graphical characterization of equivalence classes of DAGs is provided by the essential graphs . In this paper, we show the existence of largest CGs with no flags that provide a natural characterization of equivalence classes of CGs of this kind, with respect to both the LWF- and the AMP-Markov properties. We propose a procedure for the construction of the largest CGs, the largest CGs with no flags and the essential graphs, thereby providing a unified approach to the problem. As by-products we obtain a characterization of graphs that are largest CGs with no flags and an alternative characterization of graphs which are largest CGs. Furthermore, a known characterization of the essential graphs is shown to be a special case of our more general framework. The three graphical characterizations have a common structure: they use two versions of a locally verifiable graphical rule. Moreover, in case of DAGs, an immediate comparison of three characterizing graphs is possible.  相似文献   
A fully nonparametric model may not perform well or when the researcher wants to use a parametric model but the functional form with respect to a subset of the regressors or the density of the errors is not known. This becomes even more challenging when the data contain gross outliers or unusual observations. However, in practice the true covariates are not known in advance, nor is the smoothness of the functional form. A robust model selection approach through which we can choose the relevant covariates components and estimate the smoothing function may represent an appealing tool to the solution. A weighted signed-rank estimation and variable selection under the adaptive lasso for semi-parametric partial additive models is considered in this paper. B-spline is used to estimate the unknown additive nonparametric function. It is shown that despite using B-spline to estimate the unknown additive nonparametric function, the proposed estimator has an oracle property. The robustness of the weighted signed-rank approach for data with heavy-tail, contaminated errors, and data containing high-leverage points are validated via finite sample simulations. A practical application to an economic study is provided using an updated Canadian household gasoline consumption data.  相似文献   
In many practical applications, high-dimensional regression analyses have to take into account measurement error in the covariates. It is thus necessary to extend regularization methods, that can handle the situation where the number of covariates p largely exceed the sample size n, to the case in which covariates are also mismeasured. A variety of methods are available in this context, but many of them rely on knowledge about the measurement error and the structure of its covariance matrix. In this paper, we set the goal to compare some of these methods, focusing on situations relevant for practical applications. In particular, we will evaluate these methods in setups in which the measurement error distribution and dependence structure are not known and have to be estimated from data. Our focus is on variable selection, and the evaluation is based on extensive simulations.  相似文献   
In the paper we consider minimisation of U-statistics with the weighted Lasso penalty and investigate their asymptotic properties in model selection and estimation. We prove that the use of appropriate weights in the penalty leads to the procedure that behaves like the oracle that knows the true model in advance, i.e. it is model selection consistent and estimates nonzero parameters with the standard rate. For the unweighted Lasso penalty, we obtain sufficient and necessary conditions for model selection consistency of estimators. The obtained results strongly based on the convexity of the loss function that is the main assumption of the paper. Our theorems can be applied to the ranking problem as well as generalised regression models. Thus, using U-statistics we can study more complex models (better describing real problems) than usually investigated linear or generalised linear models.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Collapsibility means that the same statistical result of interest can be obtained before and after marginalization over some variables. In this paper, we discuss three kinds of collapsibility for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs): estimate collapsibility, conditional independence collapsibility and model collapsibility. Related to collapsibility, we discuss removability of variables from a DAG. We present conditions for these three different kinds of collapsibility and relationships among them. We give algorithms to find a minimum variable set containing a variable subset of interest onto which a statistical result is collapsible.  相似文献   
Summary.  Data in the social, behavioural and health sciences frequently come from observational studies instead of controlled experiments. In addition to random errors, observational data typically contain additional sources of uncertainty such as missing values, unmeasured confounders and selection biases. Also, the research question is often different from that which a particular source of data was designed to answer, and so not all relevant variables are measured. As a result, multiple sources of data are often necessary to identify the biases and to inform about different aspects of the research question. Bayesian graphical models provide a coherent way to connect a series of local submodels, based on different data sets, into a global unified analysis. We present a unified modelling framework that will account for multiple biases simultaneously and give more accurate parameter estimates than standard approaches. We illustrate our approach by analysing data from a study of water disinfection by-products and adverse birth outcomes in the UK.  相似文献   
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