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We propose some estimators of noncentrality parameters which improve upon usual unbiased estimators under quadratic loss. The distributions we consider are the noncentral chi-square and the noncentral F. However, we give more general results for the family of elliptically contoured distributions and propose a robust dominating estimator.  相似文献   
Unfortunately many of the numerous algorithms for computing the comulative distribution function (cdf) and noncentrality parameter of the noncentral F and beta distributions can produce completely incorrect results as demonstrated in the paper by examples. Existing algorithms are scrutinized and those parts that involve numerical difficulties are identified. As a result, a pseudo code is presented in which all the known numerical problems are resolved. This pseudo code can be easily implemented in programming language C or FORTRAN without understanding the complicated mathematical background. Symbolic evaluation of a finite and closed formula is proposed to compute exact cdf values. This approach makes it possible to check quickly and reliably the values returned by professional statistical packages over an extraordinarily wide parameter range without any programming knowledge. This research was motivated by the fact that a very useful table for calculating the size of detectable effects for ANOVA tables contains suspect values in the region of large noncentrality parameter values compared to the values obtained by Patnaik’s 2-moment central-F approximation. The cause is identified and the corrected form of the table for ANOVA purposes is given. The accuracy of the approximations to the noncentral-F distribution is also discussed. The authors wish to thank Mr. Richárd Király for his preliminary work. The authors are grateful to the Editor and Associate Editor of STCO and the unknown reviewers for their helpful suggestions.  相似文献   
The exact distributions of the estimated process capability indices are presented and their means, variances, and mean-squared errors are given. The basic assumption is that the process measurements are taken from a normal distribution. Theresults in this article are useful in evaluating process capability.  相似文献   
Simple, closed form saddlepoint approximations for the distribution and density of the singly and doubly noncentral F distributions are presented. Their overwhelming accuracy is demonstrated numerically using a variety of parameter values. The approximations are shown to be uniform in the right tail and the associated limitating relative error is derived. Difficulties associated with some algorithms used for exact computation of the singly noncentral F are noted.  相似文献   
The bivariate distributions of three pairs of ratios of in¬dependent noncentral chi-square random variables are considered. These ratios arise in the problem of computing the joint power function of simultaneous F-tests in balanced ANOVA and ANCOVA. The distributions obtained are generalizations to the noncentral case of existing results in the literature. Of particular note is the bivariate noncentral F distribution, which generalizes a special case of Krishnaiah*s (1964,1965) bivariate central F distribution. Explicit formulae for the cdf's of these distribu¬tions are given, along with computational procedures  相似文献   
For a two-way ANOVA table, with a single observation per cell, the standard approach is to assume that interaction between the two factors is negligible, and to base inferences about the main factors on the model without interaction. But there is no totally satisfactory method for testing if interaction can be ignored. The classical approach is to specify a functional form for the interaction terms, involving a small number of parameters, and then use an appropriate test. But, such tests have low power if the functional form is inappropriate. This has led researchers to propose tests which do not assume a specific form for the interactions. In this article, we present a new approach for testing interaction which also does not assume a specific form for the interaction. This approach is fairly simple and flexible, and its usefulness is illustrated with several examples. We also present a general result which shows that there is no test of interaction with good power properties against all types of interaction.  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is two-fold. First, we find it very interesting to explore a kind of notion of optimality of the customary Jensen-bound among all Jensen-type bounds. Without this result, the customary Jensen-bound stood alone simply as just another bound. The proposed notion and the associated optimality are important given that in some situations the Jensen's inequality does leave us empty handed.

When it comes to highlighting Jensen's inequality, unfortunately only a handful of nearly routine applications continues to recycle time after time. Such encounters rarely produce any excitement. This article may change that outlook given its second underlying purpose, which is to introduce a variety of unusual applications of Jensen's inequality. The collection of our important and useful applications and their derivations are new.  相似文献   
A stepwise algorithm for selecting categories for the chisquared goodness-of-fit test with completely specified continuous null and alternative distributions is described in this paper. The procedure's starting point is an initial partitioning of the sample space into a large number of categories. A second partition with one fewer category is constructed by combining two categories of the original partition. The procedure continues until there are only two categories; the partition in the sequence with the highest estimated power is the one chosen. For illustartive purposes, the performance of the algorithm is evaluated for several hypothesis tests of the from H0: normal distribution vs. H1: a specific mixed normal distribution. For each test considered, the partition identified by the algorithm was compared to several equiprobable partitions, including the equiprobable partition with the highest estimated power. In all cases but one, the algorithm identified a parttion with higher estimated power than the best equiprobable partition. Applciations of the procedure are discussed.  相似文献   
The Mellin convolution is used to derive in analytical form an exact 3-parameterprobabilitydensity function of the quotient of two noncentral normal random variables. In contrast with the 5-parameter probability density function previously derivedby Fieller (1932) and Hinkley (1969), this 3-parameter probability density function is feasible for computer evaluation of the mean and cumulative distribution function, which are needed, for example, when dealing with estimation and distribution problems in regression analysis and sampling theory. When the normal variables are independent, the probability density function reduces to a 2-parameter function, for which a computer program is operational. An illustrative example is given for one set of parameters when the normal variables are independent, in which themean and functional form of the probability density function are presented, together with a brief tabulation of the probability density function.  相似文献   
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