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This article contributes to understanding transformational change towards gender equality by examining the transformational change potential of a mentoring programme for women, a type of gender equality intervention both criticized and praised for its ability to bring about change. Drawing upon an empirical case study of a mentoring programme for women academics in a Dutch university, we explore three dimensions of transformational change: organizational members (i) discussing and reflecting upon gendered organizational norms and work practices; (ii) creating new narratives; and (iii) experimenting with new work practices. Our findings indicate five specific conditions that enable transformational change: cross‐mentoring, questioning what is taken for granted, repeating participation and individual stories, facilitating peer support networks and addressing and equipping all participants as change agents. We suggest that these conditions should be taken into account when (re)designing effective organizational gender equality interventions.  相似文献   
The objective of this article is to examine the relevant dimensions of distance for foreign market entry mode choice. Based on a sample of 203 interfirm linkages formed by French multinationals with partners across the world, we analyze the impact of four dimensions of distance on the choice between cooperative alliances and mergers-acquisitions. The findings indicate that administrative and economic distance have a significant influence on market entry mode choice, whereas the impact of cultural and geographic distance is not significant. They further highlight the important role of the host country's government effectiveness for market entry mode decisions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mediating effect of mentoring on the relationship between the Five Factor Model (FFM) Personality traits and occupational commitment (OC). The study used cross-sectional survey-based research design. Data were collected from 362 managers of public and private sector organizations located in North India. The results indicated that psychosocial mentoring acts as a partial mediator for facilitating the linkage between all the FFM traits and OC. Contrary to this, career mentoring was found to partially mediate the link between only conscientiousness-OC, agreeableness-OC and emotional stability-OC. No mediating effect of career mentoring was found for personality factors of openness and extraversion. HRD practitioners are encouraged to implement train-for-trainers’ sessions for raising awareness among senior managers/mentors about the importance of psychosocial mentoring functions. This study is unique, because it is among the few to appropriately capture the mediating role of mentoring functions vis a vis the personality and OC relationship. Further, it also enriches the existing body of research on workplace mentoring and careers, especially in the South-Asian context.  相似文献   
该文以唯物史观为指导,阐明了马克思主义文化理论、中国现代文化的形成和中国先进文化的发展方向.作者认为文化是人类社会在经济、政治、精神上的反映,包括意识形态和其他一切精神活动及其产物,对经济、政治又具有强大的反作用.中国现代社会主义文化是由农业封建主义文化在近百年的经济、政治发展的基础上逐渐演变而成的,它的前进方向是面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的民族的、科学的、大众的社会主义文化.  相似文献   
我国的成人高等教育 ,在实现从计划经济到市场经济转变后 ,出现了前所未有的竞争场面。作为行业性很强的中医药成人高等教育 ,要想生存和进一步发展 ,必须在积极参加市场竞争的同时 ,根据自身的优势和特点 ,从社会发展的高度 ,大力开拓潜在市场 ,努力寻找中医药成人高等教育的发展空间  相似文献   
成人高校目前人才培养与劳动力市场的关系模式,基本上可以归结为“对口”与“适应”两种取向。但是,无论取向何种模式,透过毕业生就业以及就业后的发展实际看,都各有利弊。因此,成人高校在人才培养的取向上,不能单纯追求或固守其中的某一种模式,而应根据社会主义市场经济发展和劳动力市场的需求,建立起多元化、多层次的人才培养模式。  相似文献   
商业银行个人金融服务的国际比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国商业银行以代发工资、代收费等业务为突破口,已开发了近40个品种的个人金融服务业务。谁能提供更快捷、方便的金融服务,谁就会拥有更多的客户。进一步的对外开放,个人金融服务的巨大市场是中外银行竞争的焦点。个人金融服务市场从以往简单地通过银行储蓄存款获得利息并保障安全,已跳跃到支付结算、外汇买卖、临时透支、贷款融资、经营投资和综合理财等全方位、多层次的服务。这些对国内各家商业银行拓展个人金融服务提出了巨大的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   
五四运动后的 2 0 -3 0年代 ,为使传统思想现代化和西方思想中国化 ,梁漱溟在推崇宋明理学的同时 ,吸收了许多西方近代资产阶级思想来完善自己的理论。但就总体而言 ,梁漱溟所做的理论探索和实践运作 ,有很大的局限性 ,与中国的现代化思想相去甚远 ,倒是更多地表现了保守、落后和空想的成分  相似文献   
近代中国整合中西文化冲突的价值选择模式及现代启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近代文化变迁的过程 ,在一定意义上表现为中西文化的冲突与整合的过程。为整合中西文化冲突 ,近代中国先后采取了文化传统主义、文化折中主义、文化虚无主义与文化综合创新等价值选择模式。近代文化整合的经验教训启示我们 ,在新时期文化建设问题上 ,必须正确处理文化的一元与多元、整体性与可分性、时代性与民族性的关系 ,坚持走综合创新之路  相似文献   
本文从人类学理论的基础上 ,从中国近现代文化变迁的广大背景中 ,剖析了巴金与文化关系中存在的复杂而深刻的矛盾。本文认为 ,这一矛盾的核心在于巴金对近现代文化的追求和他对传统文化某些方面的体认之间的冲突。他试图解决中国现代的文化问题 ,但这一努力又受他自身文化禀承的制约 ,这就使他在中国近现代文化进程中显示出独特的文化品格。  相似文献   
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