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引用本文:何忠礼. 贫富无定势:宋代科举制度下的社会流动[J]. 学术月刊, 2012, 0(1): 136-143
摘    要:经过改革以后的宋代科举,不讲门第,不论贫富,只问成绩,从而为下层平民子弟参加科举打开了大门。虽然在当时的社会中,官僚、地主、富商出身的子弟凭借他们的经济和文化优势在进士出身者中仍然占有多数,但是,下层平民子弟通过科举跻身仕途的人也越来越多。究其原因,除了科举本身以外,还有主客观两个方面原因。从客观上来说:随着商品经济的发展,贫富分化加速,某些农民家庭的经济条件有所改善;朝廷、地方政府和学校对士人应举的鼓励与资助;民间义庄、义学对本族子弟读书应举的支持;乡塾村校的普及;贫困士人相互间的互助等。从主观上来说,平民子弟为了改变自己命运而攻苦食淡、发愤读书,加上某些人天赋较高,也容易取得成功。平民子弟通过科举进入到了统治者的行列,造成了自下而上的社会流动。与此同时,一些官僚、地主的家庭,只要其子孙考不取进士,随着时间的推移,就会逐渐丧失权势和财富,甚至沦入社会下层,造成自上而下的社会流动。在宋代,由于科举制度而造成的这两种社会流动,已经比较普遍,这对社会的进步具有一定积极意义。

关 键 词:宋代  科举制度  进士  贫民子弟  社会流动

Social Mobility under the Imperial Examinations System of Song Dynasty
He Zhongli. Social Mobility under the Imperial Examinations System of Song Dynasty[J]. Academic Monthly, 2012, 0(1): 136-143
Authors:He Zhongli
Abstract:After reform,the criteria of the imperial examinations of Song Dynasty are applicants’ performance,not speak of family status nor wealth,paving the way for the poor children.Though most palace graduates(进士) are children from the bureaucrats,the landlords and the rich due to their economic and educational advantage,more children from ordinary families become civil officials through the imperial examinations.In addition,two factors contribute to the trend.The object factor is the development of the economy:improvement is made for some farmers’ economic condition;participation the imperial examinations are encouraged and sponsored by both imperial and local governments and schools;more schools at town and village level are available for the poor.The subject factor is the hard work of children from poor family background.Some children from ordinary families climb onto the elite of the ruling class through the imperial examinations.This is "from bottom to top" social mobility.On the other hand,as the time goes on,some bureaucrats and landlords gradually lose power and wealth if their children fail the imperial examinations.In some cases,they even fall down to the bottom of the society.This is "from top to bottom" social mobility.The two social mobility led by the Imperial Examinations during Song Dynasty become quite common,playing an active role in social progress.
Keywords:Song Dynasty  imperial examinations system  palace graduate  the poor children  social mobility
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