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摘    要:通过对沙陀突厥东迁的四个问题所作的考证与分析 ,作者认为 ,沙陀突厥东迁全程大致可分为三个阶段 :第一次东迁始于贞元六年 ( 790 ) ,系自北庭一带迁往甘州地区 ;第二次东迁之途曲折艰难 ,先于元和初年 ( 80 6 )自甘州南徙“河外”地域 ,继而于元和三年自“河外”东迁归唐 ,循西倾山而东 ,走洮水谷地 ,转北而趋石门山 ,款灵州塞 ,抵达盐州境 ;第三次东迁则极顺利 ,起自盐州 ,东经夏、银二州 ,渡黄河 ,赴陉北云、朔二州地界

关 键 词:唐代后期  沙陀突厥  迁徙

Four Problems of the Eastward Migrationof Shatuo Tujue (Ancient Turk) in the Late Tang
Ai Chong.Four Problems of the Eastward Migrationof Shatuo Tujue (Ancient Turk) in the Late Tang[J].Ethno-National Studies,2004(1):67-71.
Authors:Ai Chong
Abstract:Having conducted a textual research a nd analysis on four problems of the eastward migrationof the Shatuo Tuju e (ancient Turk), the author argues that the migration may be divided by and lar ge into three stages. In the first stage,which startedin 790 AD, Shatuo Tujue moved from Tingzhou to Ganzhou. In the second stage, theyfo llowed an indirect very hard route. TheShatuo Tujue moved southward to t he Hewai areas(the south of the Huanghe River in the present Qinghai pr ovince)in 806 AD, and went into the region governed by Tang dynasty in 808 AD. Then they traveledeastward down the Xiqingshan Mountainsand Taos hui River and northward to the Shimen Mountain. After passingLinzhou,they finally arrived in Yanzhou. The third stagewas easier than the second one. They left Yanzhou, passedeastward Xiazhou and Yinzhou, cros sedHuanghe River, and arrived in Yunzhou and Suzhou.
Keywords:the late Tang  Shatuo Tujue (ancient Turk)  migration  
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