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引用本文:郭建宁. 马克思主义哲学大众化的当代思考[J]. 河北学刊, 2008, 28(3): 13-16
摘    要:当代中国正在发生广泛而深刻的变革,改革开放三十年来新的社会现实,赋予了当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化新的时代内涵和实践要求。马克思主义哲学大众化是马克思主义哲学基本原理由抽象到具体、由深奥到通俗、由被少数人理解和掌握到被广大群众理解及掌握的过程。在新的历史条件下,如何推动和实现马克思主义哲学大众化,已经成为当代马克思主义哲学发展中的重大课题。马克思主义哲学大众化是由马克思主义哲学的本质、特点和功能所决定的,马克思主义哲学是实践的哲学、生活的哲学,这就要求让它贴近实际、贴近群众、贴近生活,以通俗易懂的形式,使中国化的马克思主义哲学真正为大众所理解、接受和掌握。事实上,当代中国马克思主义哲学已经取得了许多新的重要成果,迫切需要将其"大众化"。改革开放三十年来,中国化的马克思主义哲学既坚持了经典马克思主义哲学的基本理论,又在实践经验和理论成果上丰富了马克思主义哲学,中国特色社会主义理论具有坚实的哲学基础,蕴涵着丰富的哲学思想,包容了多方面的新成果,这些凝聚了中国共产党人的集体智慧,体现了中华民族优良文化传统哲学思想,是当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化的重要内容。目前,在继续推进中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业中,当代中国马克思主义哲学大众化已经成为一个令人关注的学术前沿问题,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义,这也是时代赋予当代中国哲学理论工作者的光荣历史使命。为了更好地推进这项工作的发展,我们同《河北学刊》一起组织了这一专题讨论,目的是通过这组文章与同行交流,以便更好地发挥马克思主义哲学认识世界与改造世界的功能和作用。

关 键 词:马克思主义哲学  大众化  基本原则  推进路径

Push Forward the Popularization of Marxist Philosophy in China Today(topic for special discussion)
Guo Jian-ning. Push Forward the Popularization of Marxist Philosophy in China Today(topic for special discussion)[J]. Hebei Academic Journal, 2008, 28(3): 13-16
Authors:Guo Jian-ning
Affiliation:Guo Jian-ning
Abstract:Today China is changing profoundly and widely.The new society gives the popularization of Marxist philosophy new connotation and practical demands.In the new situation how to push forward and realize the popularization remains a key problem.The popularization is decided by the essence,characteristics and functions of Marxist philosophy with a practical and realistic nature,making it close to the reality,masses and life and easily understood and mastered.In fact,many new achievements have been made,which needs the popularization urgently.In the past 30 years since the reform and opening up,as far as Chinese Marxist philosophy is concerned,the basic principles has been kept and the thoughts also has been enriched,which include the pooled wisdom of the Communist Party of China and fine thoughts of cultural tradition.Now the problem of popularization has become an academic one,so we and Hebei Academic Journal join hands in organizing this discussion so that the functions of Marxist philosophy may be exerted.
Keywords:Marxist philosophy  popularization  basic principle  pushing approach  
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