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摘    要:改革开放30余年来,中国民间组织迅速崛起,并呈现出特殊的发展路径,具有复杂深刻的社会背景。数量巨大的民间组织不仅成为克服传统中国"两极化"关系模式和思维定式的重要力量,也在中国民主法治进程中承担着重要使命,形成了"柔性"的纵向权力分割分解机制、组织化和群体化的权利保护机制、自主平衡的民间秩序生成机制、立足"草根"的公民性塑造机制等。尽管我国的民间组织发展还存在一定的困境和问题,但是,其重要作用和功能却不可低估,其发展前景不可小觑。
Over the 30 years since the adoption of reform and opening up policy,Chinese nongovernmental organizations rise rapidly and show special way of development against a complicated social background.The great number of nongovernmental organizations become an important force to overcome the "polarization tendency" in the relation pattern and mode of thought in Chinese tradition,as well as in the democratic rule by law process,resulting in a "flexible" vertical power division mechanism,organized and group-oriented right protection mechanism,nongovernmental order generating mechanism marked by autonomy and balance and citizen moldering mechanism based on grass root quality.Although there are still some difficulties and problems in the development of these organizations,its role and functions can not be underestimated and its bright future can not be neglected.

关 键 词:社会转型  “两极化”关系模式  民间组织  法治进程
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