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引用本文:陈炎,王彦章. 西方公共领域的发展与审美经验的变迁[J]. 学术月刊, 2007, 0(6)
作者姓名:陈炎  王彦章
摘    要:作为一种自由表达观点、平等交换意见的社会场所,一个时代的"公共领域"对于人们的思维方式、行为方式和情感方式起着积极的塑造作用,并潜移默化地影响着"审美经验"的形成。在古希腊城邦制度中,以广场为核心的"公共领域"起着集合公民意见、统一城邦意志的作用,这种政治上的民主博弈与当时悲剧和雕塑艺术中个人与群体、感性与理性的矛盾统一是一致的。在中世纪政教合一的文化环境下,以教堂为中心的"公共领域"受到了严重的异化和扭曲,这种信仰上的约束、钳制与当时音乐和建筑艺术中的神秘主义和禁欲主义情绪是一致的。在现代民主社会的环境下,以议会为核心的"公共领域"起着平衡左右政党、稳定社会局势的作用,这种激进主义与保守主义的相互制衡与当时文学艺术上的浪漫主义与现实主义的相互对峙是一致的。在后现代经济全球化、文化多样化、信息一体化的环境下,"公共领域"也出现了多层、多样、多元的复杂局面,这种无中心、无边界的状态也在直接或间接地影响着人们的"审美经验"。

关 键 词:公共领域  审美经验  历史变迁

The Development of Occidental Public Sphere and the Evolution of Aesthetic Experience
Abstract:A public sphere in an era,as a social field for people to express ideas freely and exchange ideas equally,has an active molding effect on the thinking,behavior and emotions,and also has an influence on the coming of aesthetic experience unobtrusively and imperceptibly.In Greek city countries,the public sphere focused on the square acted on citizen opinions and the will of a nation.That democratic game in politics was in chorus with the contradictions between individual and community,perception and reason in tragedy and sculpture then.In the middle age the public sphere centered on Church whose culture characteristic was the combination between religion and politics alienated and deformed heavily.The restriction and suppression of religion agreed with the mysticism and asceticism in the music and architecture at that time.In modern democratic society,the public sphere whose chore was parliament has an effect on the party balance and social stability.The balance between radicalism and conservatism is in concert with romanticism and realism in the contemporary literary art.In the postmodern economic globalization,culture diversification and information integration,the public sphere takes on a look of multi-storey,multiform and diversification,which has an influence on the aesthetic experience directly and indirectly.
Keywords:public sphere  aesthetic experience  history evolution  
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