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引用本文:罗漫. 秦汉文学流程的文化观照[J]. 中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2004, 24(3): 139-145
摘    要:本文是<商周文学流程的文化观照>的续篇,文中将继续追问一些文学史问题,诸如为何文化专制时代的颂歌体文学特别发达,为何"秦世不文"而后世的<过秦论>、<桃花源记>、<阿房宫赋>、<孟姜女哭长城>等等"谴秦"作品却成了文学名篇,汉武帝的"罢黜百家"与秦始皇的焚书坑儒有无本质区别,汉代巨史大赋的森林是在什么样的文化原野上生长繁茂的,表达了作家们怎样的文化追求和审美理想,"少而好赋"者为何又"壮夫不为",东汉张衡何以在登上了汉大赋的峰巅之后又转向了以山水田园和平凡人性为背景的抒情小赋等.作者认为,文学名篇的细读和内部研究非常必要,但滋养文学华林的文化的阳光雨露却只能作外部观察与考量,文学景观的兴衰存亡依赖于远比自身广阔得多的人间万象和天地风云.

关 键 词:秦汉文学  <史记>  <汉书>  秦赋  汉赋  文化观照

Literature in Qin and Han Dynasties from the Cultural Perspective
LUO Man. Literature in Qin and Han Dynasties from the Cultural Perspective[J]. Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities:Humanities and Social Science, 2004, 24(3): 139-145
Authors:LUO Man
Abstract:Why did eulogizing literary works flourish in autocratic times? Why was there no literary works in Qin Dynasty while such pieces of paper as "Censure Qin Dynasty" in later times became masterpieces? Although there is no difference in nature between "banning all schools of thought" and "burning books and burying Confucian scholars", why did prose-poetry boom in Han Dynasty? It is pointed out in this paper that it is necessary to read and study literary works extensively. However, the rise and fall of literary creation depend more on the global environment than on itself.
Keywords:literature in in Qin and Han Dynasties  Historical Records  History of Han  prose-poetry in Qin Dynasty  prose-poetry in Han Dynasty  cultural perspective  
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