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La précarité de l'emploi au service de la prospérité du fast-food
Authors:Raoul Nkuitchou Nkouatchet
Institution:Centre Pierre Naville, UFR de sciences sociales et gestion, 2, rue du Facteur Cheval, 91000 Évry, France
Abstract:The fast food industry offers an exception to the traditional rule that steady employment and employee qualifications are necessary for business to thrive. Since this industry sprang up in the United States during the 1950s, its major firms have offered unskilled jobs to a young, devoted labor force in transit between fast-food establishments. As a consequence, the itineraries of incoming new hires and outgoing employees crisscross. Though causing a few operational problems, this high turnover rate among wage-earners is good for business. The major (just-in-time) principle of sales and production requires an exceptionally high commitment. Only new, young team-members correspond to the profile defined in these eateries.
Keywords:Flux tendu  Fast-food  Turn-over  Contrat de travail  Jeunes  Rationalisation de la production  Disponibilité  de la main-d'&oelig  uvre  Firmes
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