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作者单位:南京农业大学 政治学院,南京,210095
摘    要:《圣经》对康德的影响极为深远,几乎贯穿康德思想的始终。对于早年的康德而言,《圣经》教义及其律法主要是借由敬虔教派( Pietism)通过家庭和学校这两个场合产生影响。康德虽说厌恶课堂上灌输的那种僵硬的敬虔理论,但对塑造着父母良好品性的宗教精神一直抱有好感,且终身念及此事。后期的康德宗教思想主要体现在《纯然理性界限内的宗教》一书中,在那里康德分别从“根本恶”、基督论( Christology)、教会学( Ecclesiology)以及末世论( Eschatology)四个维度细致阐释了他对基督教核心教义的理解,并给予了极具创发性的改造。对此问题的梳理,有助于了解启蒙时代的思想家是如何理解《圣经》的,进而加深后世对理性与信仰关系的认知。

关 键 词:康德  圣经  敬虔教派  根本恶  基督论

Kant and Holy Bible
Abstract:It is well known that Holy Bible had an important and a profound influence on Kant. For early Kant, the religious doctrines of Holy Bible affected him mainly through the Pietism in family and school respectively. In spite of a complete disgust of Pietism?s religious theories instilled by teachers, Kant was deeply affected by the religious spirit within his parents as Pietist. After 1790s, Kant conscientiously elucidated his viewpoints in Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, and particularly dealt with Radical evil, Christology, Eschatology and Ecclesiology which are the most important questions in Christianity. Undoubtedly, the analysis on Kant?s understanding on some thoughts in Holy Bible could help us comprehend the complicated relation between reason and faith.
Keywords:Kant  Holy Bible  Pietism  Radical evil  Christology
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