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作者单位:南京大学 文学院,南京,210023
摘    要:古人在评注诗文时,将无明确意义的字词称为“语助”。“语助”入诗作为古典诗歌创作中的常用技巧,至迟在宋代已经被论诗者所关注。“语助”虽无实义,但通过分析具体诗例,可知其在诗歌中能够起到填充音节、延宕节奏、抑扬语气、丰富诗意层次等作用,有独特的艺术效果。古人使用“语助”时还遵循一定的规律,不同类型的“语助”往往被安排在五言诗句中的特定位置,这与五言诗歌的节奏、结构特点密切相关。探讨“诗用语助”现象,有助于更好地理解“虚实相生”在中国古典诗学中的独特内涵。

关 键 词:五言诗  语助  诗歌节奏  诗歌结构  虚实相生

The Discussion of Yuzhu in Five-Character Poems
Abstract:In the discussion and explanation of ancient poems and articles, words without lexical meanings were named as yuzhu ( Auxiliary Words ) . In ancient five?character poems, yuzhu contributed to complementing lines, controlling the rhythm, varying intonations and enriching levels of meaning. There is regularity in the utilization of yuzhu in five?character poems, which is relevant to the rhythmic character and literary structure of five?character poems. Research on yuzhu in poetry could lead to a better understanding on the mutualism of blankness and fullness in Chinese traditional esthetics.
Keywords:five-character poems  yuzhu  poetic rhythm  poetic structure  mutualism of blankness and fullness
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