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引用本文:朱琳. 文学经典与大众文化--从简·奥斯汀小说的接受传播过程说起[J]. 北京社会科学, 2016, 0(10): 31-38. DOI: 10.13262/j.bjsshkxy.bjshkx.161004
作者单位:首都经济贸易大学 文化与传播学院,北京,100070
摘    要:二百年来奥斯汀小说的接受与传播过程,为如何看待和对待文学经典提供了丰富的启示。奥斯汀的小说经历了自身价值不断被发现与显现、在多重外力作用下从通俗文学走向文学经典的过程;在大众消费文化时代,奥斯汀小说作为源文本不断衍生、被开发,由文学资源成为文化产业链的资本。大众传播形式固然有削弱文学经典严肃性和深度感的一面,但经典本来就是一个不断建构的过程,各种重构和阐释为奥斯汀创作注入活力、延续生命,构建出文学经典与大众文化的良性互动关系。

关 键 词:奥斯汀  通俗小说  文学经典  大众化  良性互动

The Relationship between Literary Classics and Popular Culture---From the Process of Austen s Novels being Accepted and Spread
Abstract:The acceptance and communication process of Jane Austen?s novels in the past 200 years provides a typical sample for the study of how to view and treat with classical literature. The value of Austen?s writing has experienced the process of being found, from popular literature to classical literature. In the era of mass consumption culture, as a source text, Austen?s novel was developed from a literal source into a kind of capital in the chain of cultural industry. Though the seriousness and depth of literary classics is being weakened by mass media, literary classics could retain their vitalities through continuous re?constructions, and construct a positive interaction between the classic and popular culture.
Keywords:Jane Austen  popular novels  literary classics  popularization  positive interaction
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