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作者单位:中国政法大学 马克思主义学院,北京,102249
摘    要:从清末满汉权力格局的角度考察,载沣驱除袁世凯是清政府中央集权的必然结果,亦是少壮派满族王公逐渐集权的必然举措。载沣驱袁的态度与理由发生过明显的转变,最终以足疾为由将袁世凯罢黜,是载沣在与其他清廷高层各派系博弈下有所妥协的抉择。驱袁后,载沣并未真正实现集权,他的统治权威非但没有通过驱袁树立起来,反而招致了清廷朝野内外各政治势力对其统治能力的质疑,并最终加速了清王朝的灭亡。

关 键 词:载沣  袁世凯  满族王公  集权

The Failure of Power Concentration and Authority Establishing---Re-Examination of Zai Feng s Expulsion of Yuan Shikai
Abstract:From the point of power distribution between Manchu and Han, Zai Feng?s expulsion of Yuan Shikai was not only the result of the Qing court?s centralization of authority but also the centralization of the young Manchu Princes. The attitude and reasons of Zai Feng?s expulsion of Yuan Shikai changed obviously. After a game with other political power, Zai Feng dismissed Yuan Shikai with the reason of disease of feet at last. However, Zai Feng didn?t achieve his goal of power concentration and authority establishment after his expulsion of Yuan Shikai. On the contrary, his action led to other powers? oppugning about his governability and accelerated the demise of the Qing Dynasty.
Keywords:Zai Feng  Yuan Shikai  Manchu Princes  power concentration
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