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摘    要:批判性思维是一种反思式思维方式和创造性思维,是独立自信的思考者必备的特质之一。英语公众演讲作为一种以英语为传播工具的战略性沟通,演讲者若想事半功倍,在选题立意、回答问题等环节就需要进行批判性思考。大学生批判性思维能力的训练,可以通过内在化阶段和应用阶段实现。前者主要采用苏格拉底式发问的形式,启发学生的逆向思维、培养学生进行独立思考的能力。后者是学生自觉应用批判性思维能力的阶段,也是将累积的各方面知识进行整合、利用的阶段。通过培养大学生英语公众演讲中的批判性思维能力,文本希望可以帮助学生开拓视野、建立自信,赢得求职和晋升机会。

关 键 词:英语公众演讲  批判性思维  苏格拉底式的发问

On Fostering Critical Thinking Competence in English Public Speaking
Abstract:Critical thinking is both reflective and creative.It is one of the most important features that a confident and independent thinker must possess.English public speaking is strategic communication in English,in which critical thinking contributes a lot to its success.The process of fostering critical thinking competence involves internalization phase and the application phase.The former one adopts Socratic questioning,which can stimulate students' reverse thinking and cultivate their ability of independent thinking.The latter is the phase that students consciously apply their critical thinking and knowledge acquired previously.By fostering critical thinking competence in English public speaking,this paper hopes that critical thinking can broaden speakers' horizon,build their self-confidence,and create excellent opportunities for their future career.
Keywords:English public speaking  critical thinking  Socratic questioning
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