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摘    要:唐人张守节《史记正义》系学术价值最高的《史记》古注之一。宋人合刻《史记》三家注,于《正义》删削甚多。合刻本大行于世后,单本《正义》即在中土失传。20世纪初叶,日人泷川资言从传人彼邦的《史记》古本栏外标注,手辑《正义佚存》一千余条,散入《史记会注考证》相关史文之下。读《史》者盛赞其便。20世纪中叶,程金造发表《史记会注考证新增正义的来源和真伪》,宣称佚存《正义》系以伪为真,十分之九出自彼邦人士的伪托。其说迄今仍被学界奉为定论,备受尊崇。细审程文,其引据立论的泷川资言的一段文字,竟是经他精心剪辑而成以利其批评的伪本。 程氏从佚存《正义》中精心选来欲证明其为伪托的例句,经逐条平议,反而证明其非张守节所作莫属。佚存《正义》实为失传已久的部分《正义》的重见天日。泷川资言不愧为张守节功臣。程氏的妄说则须推倒,以免贻误后学。

关 键 词:史记  泷川资言  正义佚存  来源与真伪  程金造  辨正

A Discriminative Judgement on Source,Truth and Falsehood of Zheng Yi Newly Retrieved and Added to Colleted Annotations on and Examination of Shiji
YUAN Chuan-zhang.A Discriminative Judgement on Source,Truth and Falsehood of Zheng Yi Newly Retrieved and Added to Colleted Annotations on and Examination of Shiji[J].Journal of Henan University(Social Science),2000,40(2):37-44.
Authors:YUAN Chuan-zhang
Abstract:Shiji, Zheng Yi by Zhang Shoujie, a scholar in Tang Dynasty, is one of the aret valuable classical annotations on Shiji. Collected Annotations by Three Scholars on Shiji brought out in Song Dynasty subjected Zheng Yi to much curtaitlment. After the Collected Anntations prevailed, Zheng Yi sank into oblivion. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Japanese scholar Pakigawa Suketoki retrieved from the marginal notes in ancient copies of Shiji that had found their way into Japan more than one thousand missing notes in Zheng Yi, and later attached them to relative texts in Collected Annotations on and Examination of Shiji, which was greatly appreciated by scholastic researches. In the middle of the 20th century, Cheng Jinzao published fource, Truth and Falsehood of Zheng Yi Newly Retrieved and Added to Collected Annotations on and Examination of Examination ofShiji, asserting that theRetrieved Zheng Yi mistook the false for the true, and was probably a counterfeit by a foreigner. It has since been regarded as the final authoritative judgement and enjoyed unquestioned prestige in acadedemic circles. Having meticulously examined the aforesaid thesis, the authour of the present paper discovers that the passage Cheng cited from Pakigawa Suketoki as the point of departure for his theory turned out to be a counterfeit itself, haveing been deliberately processed in order to gain convenience for his own criticism. All the arguments thereby are falsifications. After passing honest discriminative judgements on every examle Cheng carefully selected from Retrieved Zheng Yi to establish his own theory, the present paper conludes that theRetrieved Zheng Yi, instead of being a counterfeit, was the genuine work by Zhang Shoujie, brought out into daylight out of its long obscurity. Pakigawa Suketoki deserves credit for his devotion to Zhang Shoujie. Cheng's theory must be disowned so that no later scholars will be misguided.
Keywords:Shiji  Pakigawa Suketoki  Retrieved Zheng Yi  source  truth and falsehood  Cheng Jinzao  discriminative judgement  
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