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Russian America: An Overseas Colony of a Continental Empire
Authors:Andrew Donson
Institution:University of Massachusetts Amherst ,
Abstract:Gerd Wunder, Die Burger von Hall: Sozialgeschichte einer Reichsstadt, 1216–1802 (1980), 335 (Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen, DM 39.50). (The Citizens of Hall: The Social History of an Imperial City, 1216–1802.)

Christopher Dyer, Lords and Peasants in a Changing Society. The Estates of the Bishopric of Worcester, 680–1540 (1980), xiv+427 (Past and Present Publications: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £22.50).

Zvi Razi, Life, Marriage and Death in a Medieval Parish. Economy, Society and Demography in Halesowen, 1270–1400 (1980), xiv+162 (Past and Present Publications: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £12).

David Cressy, Literacy and the Social Order. Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England (1980), x+246 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £12.50).

Michael Anderson, Approaches to the History of the Western Family 1500–1914 (1980), (Macmillan, Studies in Economic and Social History, paperback £2.25).

V. A. C. Gatrell, Bruce Lenman and Geoffrey Parker (eds), Crime and the Law. The Social History of Crime in Western Europe since 1500 (1980), xii+381 (Europa Publications, £20).

M. H. Froeschlé‐Chopard, La Religion Populaire en Provence Orientale au XVIIIe siècle (1980), 418 (Beauchesne, Paris, n.p.); M. Ménard, Une Histoire des Mentalites Religieuses aux XVIIe et XVIII’ siècles: Mille Rétables de l'Ancien Diocese du Mans (1980), 467 (Beauchesne, Paris, n.p.); Philippe Boutry and Michel Cinquain, Deux Pélérinages au XIXe siècle. Ars et Paray‐le‐Morial (1980), 309 (Beauchesne, Paris, n.p.).

Gert Zang (ed.), Provinzialisierung einer Region. Zur Entstehung der bürger‐lichen Gesellschaft in der Provinz (1978), 538 (Syndikat, Frankfurt/M., n.p.). (Provincialization of a Region. On the Formation of Bourgeois Society in the Provinces.)

Alan B. Campbell, The Lanarkshire Miners: a Social History of their Trade Unions 1775–1874 (1980), xii+354 (John Donald, Edinburgh, £18.00).?

Morris J. Vogel and Charles E. Rosenberg (eds), The Therapeutic Revolution. Essays in the Social History of American Medicine (1979), xiv+270 (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. $18.50).

F. K. Prochaska, Women and Philanthropy in Nineteenth‐century England (1980), xiii+301 (Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, £15.95, paperback £6.95).

Judith R. Walkowitz, Prostitution and Victorian Society. Women, Class, and the State (1980), ix+347 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £15.00).

Charles More, Skill and the English Working Class, 1870–1914 (1980), 252 (Croom Helm, £12.95).

M. Strobel, Muslim Women in Mombasa, 1890–1975 (1979), xiii+258. (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £12.30).
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