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Oyate Ptayela: Rebuilding the Lakota Nation Through Addressing Historical Trauma Among Lakota Parents

This article presents evidence to suggest that historical trauma has affected Lakota parents and children by changing parenting behavior and placing children at risk for alcohol and other substance abuse. The theoretical explanation of the Lakota historical trauma response is described and used as a framework for the design of a parenting skills curriculum. This intervention focuses on (1) facilitating parental awareness of life span and communal trauma across generations and (2) a re-cathexis or re-attachment to traditional Lakota values.

The experimental curriculum intervention was delivered to a group of ten Lakota parents and two Lakota parent facilitators on a Lakota reservation. Qualitative study results revealed that parents experienced the curriculum as effective, particularly the focus on both historical trauma and the reconnection with traditional Lakota mores. The curriculum's emphasis on traditional protective factors for alcohol and other substance abuse prevention for Lakota children presents implications for other parenting curricula. The article concludes with recommendations for future research in the area of Indian parenting and historical trauma.
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