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The Relationship of Expectancies to the Transtheoretical Model of Change in College Smokers

Efforts on the part of the sci en tific com mu nity have resulted in in creased knowl edge about to bacco ad die tion and im proved treat ment ef fi cacy. De spite these gains, how ever, our un der stand ing of to bacco ad die tion re mains in com plete. Two el e ments that may help il lu-mi nate the knowl edge of this ad die tion pro cess and pro vide im pli ca tions for treat ment are the Transtheoretical Model of Change and the con cept of ex pec tan cies. This project is a be gin ning step in ex plor ing the re la tion ship be tween the transtheoretical model and fac ets of ex pec tan cies among col lege smokers.
Keywords:Col lege smok ers  transtheoretical model of change  expectancies  addictions
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