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Abstract:Book reviewed in this aticle:
Government Departments: An Organizational Perspective B y D.C. pitt AND B.C. S mith
Managing the Civil Service B y J ohn G arrett
Policy and Practice: The Experience of Government B y W illiam R odgers et al
Inspectorates in British Government B y G erald R hodes
Management Systems in Local Government B y B ob H inings et al
Balancing the Books: Financial Problems of Local Government in Western Europe B y K enneth N ewton
Parliament and Health Policy: the role of MPs 1970–74 B y S tephen I ngle and P hilip T ether
Policy Making in the National Health Service B y C hristopher H am
Government Policy Initiatives 1979/1980: Some Case Studies B y P.M. J ackson (ED)
What Unemployment Means B y A drian S infield
The Workless State B y B rian S howler and A drian S infield
Helping Destitute Men B y J ohn L each and J ohn W ing
The Elderly in Modern Society B y A nthea T inker
Retirement and Retirement Costs B y M ichael P. F ogarty
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