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Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
The Behavioral Sciences Today. Edited by B ernard B erelson .
A Short History of Sociology. By H einz M aus .
Sociological Theory, Values, and Sociocultural Change: Essays in Honor of Pitirim A. Sorokin. Edited by E dward A. T iryakian .
Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking. By W illiam B. C ameron , with a Foreward by C harles H. P age .
Ethnic Patterns in American Cities. By S tanley L ieberson .
American Community Behavior. By J essie B ernard .
Governing the Metropolis. By S cott G reer .
Theory of Collective Behavior. By N eil J. S melser .
Race Relations in International Affairs. By R obert S. B rowne . R oger N. B aldwin .
Intergroup Relations and Leadership: Approaches and Research in Industrial, Ethnic, Cultural, and Political Areas. Edited by M uzafer S herif .
The Radical Right. Edited by D aniel B ell .
These Rights They Seek: A Comparison of the Goals and Techniques of Local Civil Rights Organizations. By J acquelyne J. C larke .
Society and the Law: New Meanings for an Old Profession. By F. J ames D avis , H enry H. F oster , J r ., C. R ay J effery , and E. E ugene D avis .
Home, School, and Work: A Study of the Education and Employment of Young People in Britain. By M. P. C arter .
Young Germany: A History of the German Youth Movement. By W alter Z. L aqueur .
Two Generations of Soviet Man: A Study in the Psychology of Communism. By J ohn K osa .
Work and Leisure. By N els A nderson .
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