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乱世草原 英雄本色 《蒙古秘史》札木合形象的重新定位
引用本文:王素敏.乱世草原 英雄本色 《蒙古秘史》札木合形象的重新定位[J].阴山学刊,2003,16(2):31-35.
作者单位:包头师范学院中文系 内蒙古包头014030
摘    要:《蒙古秘史》主要记述了成吉思汗的历史功绩 ,作为成吉思汗建功立业过程中主要竞争对手的札木合 ,历来在评论家们的笔下褒贬不一。只有从作品本身出发 ,从人物生活的时代和民族群体心态出发去研究、诠释 ,才会给人物一个符合原来历史面目的真实定位。札木合既不是代表平民利益的“蒙古人民领袖” ,也不是“阴谋家、野心家”和“喜新厌旧、反复无常的小人” ,他是一位有着超人的军事头脑和常人的性格缺陷的失败了的英雄

关 键 词:《蒙古秘史》  札木合  英雄

A New Explanation for the Image of Zha Muhe in Mongolian Secret History
WANG Su-min.A New Explanation for the Image of Zha Muhe in Mongolian Secret History[J].Yin Shan Academic Journal,2003,16(2):31-35.
Authors:WANG Su-min
Abstract:Mongolian Secret History is a bilgraphically literary works that mainly narrates the historic achievements made by Genghis khan.As the major rival,Zhamuhe was a controvesial figure at that time.He was spoken highly of by some critics but was spoken ill of by others.Studying the times when he lived and the ethnically collective psycollgy of that certain times we get the final conclusion accorded with the facts.Zhamuhe was neither a leader stood for the interests of Mongolian common people nor a "conspirator","careerist" or a small man who was capricious and loved the new but loathed the old.Truely,he was a defeated hero who had both extraordinary military talent and characteristic deficiency which possessed ordinary people.
Keywords:Mongolian Secret History  Zha Muhe  Hero
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