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摘    要:冷战结束后 ,美国不断提升与台湾实质性交往的层次和对台军售水平 ,但又最终向中国表明其仍然坚持“一个中国”的政策和不支持台湾独立及单方面改变两岸关系现状。美国的这种对台政策虽然看似矛盾 ,实则并不矛盾。美国著名中国问题专家鲍大可在上世纪六七十年代对台湾问题的有关论述可以为此提供一个明确的解答。鲍大可当时所说的美国对台利益需求目前仍然存在 ,美国目前的对台政策也没有超出鲍大可当时设计的政策框架。

关 键 词:鲍大可  美台关系  利益需求  平衡政策

American Interests Requirement on the Taiwan Issue as Reflected in A. Doak Barnett's Works
Abstract:After the Cold War, the United States has constantly upgraded its substantial relationship with Taiwan and its arms sales to it, but it finally makes clear again to China that it still sticks to the One China policy and does not support the independence of Taiwan and its unilateral change of status quo in cross-Strait relations. The author points out that such a policy looks inconsistent but in fact it is not. The works of A. Doak Barnett—A famous China hand in the U.S. — in the 1960s-1970s could give clear answers to it. American interests in Taiwan Barnett mentioned at that time are still in existence now, and American policy toward Taiwan at present has not gone beyond the framework he designed then.
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