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A note on identification in discrete choice models with partial observability
Authors:Mogens Fosgerau  Abhishek Ranjan
Institution:1.Technical University of Denmark,Lyngby,Denmark
Abstract:This note establishes a new identification result for additive random utility discrete choice models. A decision-maker associates a random utility \(U_{j}+m_{j}\) to each alternative in a finite set \(j\in \left\{ 1,\ldots ,J\right\} \), where \(\mathbf {U}=\left\{ U_{1},\ldots ,U_{J}\right\} \) is unobserved by the researcher and random with an unknown joint distribution, while the perturbation \(\mathbf {m}=\left( m_{1},\ldots ,m_{J}\right) \) is observed. The decision-maker chooses the alternative that yields the maximum random utility, which leads to a choice probability system \(\mathbf { m\rightarrow }\left( \Pr \left( 1|\mathbf {m}\right) ,\ldots ,\Pr \left( J| \mathbf {m}\right) \right) \). Previous research has shown that the choice probability system is identified from the observation of the relationship \( \mathbf {m}\rightarrow \Pr \left( 1|\mathbf {m}\right) \). We show that the complete choice probability system is identified from observation of a relationship \(\mathbf {m}\rightarrow \sum _{j=1}^{s}\Pr \left( j|\mathbf {m} \right) \), for any \(s<J\). That is, it is sufficient to observe the aggregate probability of a group of alternatives as it depends on \(\mathbf {m}\). This is relevant for applications where choices are observed aggregated into groups while prices and attributes vary at the level of individual alternatives.
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