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引用本文:陈红,张欢,胡小勇. 牺牲对关系满意度的影响及其机制[J]. 西南大学学报(社会科学版), 2019, 45(3): 99-105
作者姓名:陈红  张欢  胡小勇
作者单位:1. 西南大学 心理学部, 重庆市 400715;2. 西南大学 认知与人格教育部重点实验室, 重庆市 400715
摘    要:亲密关系有广义和狭义之分,狭义的亲密关系即浪漫恋人或夫妻关系。本文梳理了学者对浪漫关系中牺牲研究的理论(社会交换理论、相互依赖理论、公平理论等)并探讨牺牲如何影响伴侣双方的关系满意度,研究发现:(1)寻求共有取向的个体会更倾向于在关系中牺牲,并不求立即回报,令双方都对关系感到满意;(2)牺牲动机会影响双方共同的关系满意度体验,当个体出于趋近动机牺牲,并且接受者感知对方为伴侣聚焦的趋近牺牲动机时,双方都会对关系感到满意,而当个体出于回避动机牺牲,则可能使关系受损;(3)牺牲者在牺牲时感受到的真实性,以及接受者感知到其伴侣牺牲的真实性,也有助于提升双方的关系满意度。未来应考虑文化背景的差异性,更多开展关于浪漫关系中牺牲现象的中国化研究。

关 键 词:浪漫关系  牺牲  共有取向  趋-避动机  真实性

The Influence of Sacrifice on Relationship Satisfactionand ItsMechanism
CHEN Hong,ZHANG Huan,HU Xiaoyong. The Influence of Sacrifice on Relationship Satisfactionand ItsMechanism[J]. Journal of southwest university(social science edition), 2019, 45(3): 99-105
Authors:CHEN Hong  ZHANG Huan  HU Xiaoyong
Abstract:Intimate relationship can be understood in a broad sense and a narrow sense.The narrow sense of intimacy relationship is romantic relationship which involves lovers and couples.This paper aims to expound the influence and mechanism of sacrificeonrelationship satisfaction.Itsorts out the foreign scholars theory of sacrifice research in romantic relations (Social Exchange Theory, InterdependentTheory,Equity Theory, etc.)and discusses how sacrifice affects the relationship satisfaction of both partners.First, numerous studies suggest that individualswho seek for communal orientation will be more likely to make sacrifices in the relationshiprather than seeking immediate rewards, which will make both parties satisfied with the relationship. Second, while the motivations of sacrifice will affect themutual relationship satisfaction experience of both parties.When individuals sacrifice for approach motivation and theirpartners perceive the sacrifice is driven by partner-focused approach motivation, both parties will be satisfied with the relationship.However, relationships may bedamaged when they sacrifice for avoidance motivation. Third, the authenticity of thesacrificers experience at the time of sacrifice and the recipients perception of his or her partners sacrifice also contribute torelationshipsatisfaction. Future researchshould consider the differences of cultural backgroundand carry outmore studies on the sinicization of sacrifice in romantic relationships.
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