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引用本文:何文平. 清末广东的盗匪问题与政府清乡——从社会治理看清朝统治的末势[J]. 中山大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 48(1): 92-101
摘    要:盗匪问题是清末广东突出的社会问题,在当时的文献中,常能见到诸如"粤东之盗,甲于天下"的说法。盗匪威胁民众的生命财产安全,造成社会动荡,不少也卷入革命党人发动的反清起义,危及当权者的统治。为消弭匪乱,稳定社会,清政府当局推行严厉清乡政策,以军事手段打击盗匪,而效果却并不明显。清末广东匪患的严重化以及政府于治理上的疲软处境,为我们进一步理解清末社会及清政府垮台的社会基础提供了更广的视角。

关 键 词:盗匪问题  广东  清乡  社会治理  清末  广东  盗匪问题  与政府  清乡  社会治理  清朝  Government  Problem  Qing Dynasty  Late  Guangdong  视角  严重化  匪患  效果  军事手段  政策  清政府  稳定社会

Bandit Problem and the Government's Clear-the-Countryside Policy in Guangdong in the Late Qing Dynasty
HE Wen-ping. Bandit Problem and the Government's Clear-the-Countryside Policy in Guangdong in the Late Qing Dynasty[J]. Journal of Sun Yatsen University(Social Science Edition), 2008, 48(1): 92-101
Authors:HE Wen-ping
Abstract:Bandits was one of the most troubled social problems in Guangdong in the late Qing Dynasty.In the historical records,the parlance like "the bandits of Eastern Guangdong are the top severe in China" was prevailed.The bandits at that time not only threatened the security of people's lives and possessions,making social turbulence,but also were involved in the anti-government uprisings launched by the revolutionists,threatening the ruling of the government.Therefore,the Qing government carried out strict clearing-the-countryside policies to stop bandits and stabilize the society.However,the government's military measures against bandits were hardly fruitful.The severity of the bandit problem and the inability of the government to take effective measures to put it down provide a special and broad perspective to understand the late Qing society,which was embodied with all the factors that would cause the fall of the Qing government.
Keywords:bandit  Guangdong Province  clearing-the-country  social administration
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