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引用本文:陈允吉. 论敦煌写本《王道祭杨筠文》为一拟体俳谐文[J]. 复旦学报(社会科学版), 2006, 0(4): 78-88
摘    要:敦煌p.4978《王道祭杨筠文》自1958年公诸于世,即受到海内外王梵志诗研究者的高度重视。许多学者均肯定它是辨明王梵志信有其人的珍贵资料,对弄清诗人之生平与时代具有极高的价值。本文在爬梳中国古代俳谐文的源流和演进轨辙的基础上,明确指出《王道祭杨筠文》为一拟体俳谐文,它在摹袭祭文的体制形式同时,又赋予作品同文体要求毫不相干的滑稽嘲讽内容,遂而与所拟文体之应用目的实现了完全的隔离。故它绝不是一条史实材料,若拿来考订王梵志的生平、时代,就难免会进入与探涉目标暌违的误区。

关 键 词:祭文  俳谐文  拟体俳谐文  非史实材料

An Elegiac Parody: A Study of Dunhuang Transcription "Wang Dao's Elegiac to Yang Yun"
CHEN Yun-ji. An Elegiac Parody: A Study of Dunhuang Transcription "Wang Dao's Elegiac to Yang Yun"[J]. Fudan Journal(Social Sciences Edition), 2006, 0(4): 78-88
Authors:CHEN Yun-ji
Abstract:The publication of Dunhuang P.4978 "Wang Dao's Elegiac to Yang Yun" in 1958 has attracted massive attention among the scholars of Wang Fanzhi's poetic works,and it has been usually considered as a valuable piece of evidence for the existence of Wang,and even for the details of that era.However,after combing the origin and development of parody,this paper points out that the Elegiac is none but a parody which imitated the structure of elegiac address while employing an unrelated comic sneer,It is too far from the actual application to be used to examine the life and era of Wang.
Keywords:elegiac address  parody  elegiac parody  historical fiction
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