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When Sex is Hardly About Mutual Pleasure: Dominant and Resistant Discourses on Sexuality and its Consequences for Young People's Sexual Health

This study explores gendered discourses about sexuality in Ecuador, the consequences of these discourses for young people's sexual health, and the possibility of the emergence of resistance and challenge. We analyzed and compared individual interviews and focus-group discussions with: young women, youth service providers, ordinary young men, and activist young men. Five interpretative repertoires emerged: (1) becoming sexually respectable women, (2) policing young women's sexuality, (3) men threatening and protecting women, (4) sexual relations (abusing, fooling, or seducing?), and (5) emerging resistance. The repertoires constructed a hierarchy of sexualities in which heterosexual monogamous lifelong coupledom was normative and women's pleasure was absent, but resistance was emerging.
Keywords:Ecuador  discourse analysis  sexuality  young people  gender relations
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