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摘    要:抗日战争时期,日本为确保其军需民用资源,供应其本国、伪满及在华纺织业所需原料,特别重视华北的棉花生产与运销,大力推行植棉政策。不仅设立了专门的棉产指导奖励机构——华北棉产改进会,采取种种措施,力图增加棉花生产,而且注意调整棉花政策,以吸引农民种棉。但是,日军的入侵,日伪的暴政,严重破坏了华北农村的农业生产力;日商控制棉花市场,压低棉价,使农民种棉无利可图,纷纷弃棉种粮。因此,华北沦陷区的棉花生产锐减,远没恢复到七七事变前的水平。由于日伪对棉花实施输出许可制,由日军控制下的华北棉花协会统制华北棉花的流通,使七七事变前建立起来的棉花市场流通体系遭受严重破坏:天津和济南等终点市场失去多省份棉花来源,棉花交易中心的地位几乎丧失;上市棉花运输手段的变化,使得除山西省外的华北沦陷区出现了一些新的棉花集散中心;许多中国棉花商沦为日本洋行的附庸,一些经济机能丧失,而纷纷破产。棉花的商品化受到严重阻碍,华北农村经济濒临破产。

关 键 词:华北沦陷区  华北棉产改进会  华北棉花协会  棉花生产  流通  

On Production and Circulation of Cotton in the Occupied Zones by Japan in North China
WANG Shi-hua.On Production and Circulation of Cotton in the Occupied Zones by Japan in North China[J].Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2008(5).
Authors:WANG Shi-hua
Abstract:During China's Anti-Japan War,Japan had managed to promote its policies for cotton planting,especially for the production and circulation of cotton in North China so as to ensure its military and civil supplies for the textile industries both at home and in Northeast China under the puppet regime of Manchuria.To get to this goal,Japan not only established the Association of Cotton Production Promotion,a rewarding institute to guide the cotton production,but also made other efforts to increase the cotton pro...
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