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Authors:Mary F. Rogers  Phillip B. Lott
Affiliation:The University of West Florida;The University of West Florida
Abstract:This article focuses on Log Cabin Republicans, gay members of that political party who reject "queer' politics and "leftist' projects among lesbian and gay activists. We show that members' social class, race, age, and gender are as central to an understanding of Log Cabin politics as is their nonnormative sexuality. The case of the Log Cabin Republicans illustrates how the matrix of domination is reaffirmed in backlash rhetoric and related so-ciopolitical practices. It also shows that the gay community comprises multiple, divergent subgroups that make the boundaries between lesbigay and straight politics more or less ambiguous and fluid. Put differently, the Log Cabin Republicans illuminate the practical limits of identity politics.
Early in the twentieth century, a gay white middle-class male observed:
Not till our whole commercial system, with its barter and sale of human labor and human love for gain, is done away, and not till a whole new code of ideals and customs of life has come in, will women really be free. They must remember that their cause is also the cause of the oppressed laborer over the whole earth, and the laborer has to remember that his cause is theirs. (Carpenter 1911, p. 60)
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