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Maternal and child health and family planning services in the Sudan
Authors:Rushwan H
Abstract:Given the high rates of infant and maternal mortalty, the prevalence of infectious diseases, poor nutritional status among women and children, and numerous endemic diseases such as malaria and bilharzia, maternal-child health serivces have been given a high priority in the Sudan. In reality, however, this area has not received adequate attention within the primary health care system in terms of management, service provision, and training. Major obstacles to effective maternal-child health services include: 1) the lack of involvement of community health workers, the main providers of other primary health care services in the Sudan, in the area; 2) the clinical orientation of physicians, which mitigates against attention to the promotive and preventive components of health care; 3) a lack of standardization of medical records or data collection routines, which hinders program monitoring; and 4) the failure to integrate related national programs such as immunization into a comprehensive maternal-child health program. In addition, there are administrative and organizational obstacles, such as the lack of institutionalization of maternal-child health services within the Ministry of Health, inadequate managerial capabilities, an absence of guidelines for service delivery at the regional and provincial levels, delays in the procurement of equipment and supplies, a widely dispersed population, and transportation difficulties. Family planning, too, is supposed to be the responsibility of all primary health care workers in the Sudan. However, current training programs for physicians, nurses, village midwives, and community health workers do not prepare them to fulfill this role. Development of an official population policy in the Sudan is recommended to ameliorate some of these problems.
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