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引用本文:王丽英. 论刘向《列女传》的立传标准及其价值[J]. 广州大学学报(社会科学版), 2002, 1(2): 21-25
作者单位:广州大学人文学院 广东广州510405
摘    要:具有强烈的针对性 ,具有讽谏劝谕和匡救时弊的功效和作用 ,全书充溢着一种自觉的政治意识、积极的匡世良言和有为的救世方法 ,这在中国政治思想史上表现出不匪的价值。第三 ,具有重要的史学价值。在以宗法制度为核心的我国古代社会中 ,男尊女卑观念从一开始就占据了人们的头脑 ,制肘着人们的思想 ,反映在史学著述中 ,就是轻视和忽略对妇女的著录。综观我国汉代以前的典籍 ,可谓浩繁 ,但载人为主的各体典籍 ,多是记述帝王后妃 ,公侯将相 ,文臣儒士 ,难觅妇女专传专著 ,即使有妇女的记载 ,也是语焉不详或失之片面 ,如《诗》、《书》、《春秋》…

关 键 词:刘向  

The Standard for Glorification in the Form of Biography and the Significance of LIU Xiang''''s Biographies of Women.
WANG Li_ying. The Standard for Glorification in the Form of Biography and the Significance of LIU Xiang''''s Biographies of Women.[J]. Journal of Guangzhou University(Social Science Edition), 2002, 1(2): 21-25
Authors:WANG Li_ying
Abstract:In history studies about women were few and sources recording deeds of females are difficult to find.Biographies of Womenwritten by LIU Xiang during the Xihan Dynasty set a precedent. For the first time in history it records exclusively the deeds of women from time immemorial to the middle of Xihan Dynasty according to their social classes and strata, becoming the first exclusive and comprehensive history of women of ancient China. The liberalism of the standard for glorification in the form of a biography represents not only the author's lenient attitude to morality and ethics, but also embodies political and historical academic values incomparable by later female studies.
Keywords:LIU Xiang  Biographies of Women  standard for glorification in the form of a biography  
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