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作者姓名:张媛  樊文军[摄影]
摘    要:长春市二道区东站十委社区是全国“三八”红旗手、社区工作者楷模谭竹青工作了一生的地方,也是全国闻名的先进社区,被广大居民誉为“温馨家园”。如今,虽然昔日无私奉献的老主任已经离去,但在她的精神的感召下,社区的妇女姐妹们.正在朝着把这里打造成为最具幸福感的温暖社区大踏步的前进。

关 键 词:社区工作  妇女  干部  生命  劳动模范  社区服务  吉林省  精神

MAKING LIVES BETTER Grassroots Women Cadres Work for Locals at Women's Home in Shiwei Community
Abstract:Tan Zhuqing, an award winner as a community model worker and a national March 8th Red-Banner Pacesetter, used to work in Shiwei Community, Erdao District, in Changchun, a city in Jilin Province. Thanks to Tan's efforts, residents call their community a "sweet home." Tan died in 2006, but her spirit lives on. Local women cadres are keeping Tan's spirit of community service alive -- and they are constantly trying to improve their work.
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