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Integrative Entrepreneurship-Forschung — Identifikation von Schnittstellen zwischen soziologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive
Authors:Dieter Bögenhold  Matthias Fink  Sascha Kraus
Institution:1. Deptm. Economics and Management, Freie Universit?t Bozen, 39100, Bozen, Via Sernesi 1, Italien
2. Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre der Klein- und Mittelbetriebe, Wirtschaftsuniversit?t Wien, 1090, Wien, Augasse 2-6, ?sterreich
3. Institut für Entrepreneurship, Hochschule Liechtenstein, 9490, Vaduz, Fürst-Franz-Josef-Stra?e, Liechtenstein
Abstract:In this paper three prominent discourses of Entrepreneurship Research — 1) the Entrepreneur as an actor in society, 2) the embeddedness of the research object of Entrepreneurship Research and 3) the determinants of entrepreneurship processes — are analyzed for possible interfaces between a sociological and economical perspective. This analyses results in a systemized portfolio of research topics, which seem to be especially attractive for such an integrative research approach. The results of a survey of 105 entrepreneurship researchers in the German speaking world underpin the relevance of the identified interfaces and allow for their priorization. That way we contribute to an integration of this field as the presented set of identified interfaces, in a first step, provides a feasible agenda for interdisciplinary (empirical) follow-up research whose results — in a second step — can build elements of an integrative concept of Entrepreneurship Research.
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