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摘    要:每年农历六月三十晚至七月初七,甘肃省陇南市西和县未出嫁的姑娘们都要举行隆重的祭祀歌舞活动,祈求“巧娘娘”保佑自己聪慧、灵巧,婚配如愿,生活幸福。这就是在西和县流传1800多年,被称为中国古代乞巧风俗活化石的“乞巧节”。

关 键 词:智慧  西河  女子  节日期间  陇南县  甘肃省  活化石  中国

Xihe's Young Women Pray for Wisdom,Good Fortune
Abstract:Young, unmarried women, who live in Xihe, a county in Longnan, a city in orthwest China's Gansu Province, sing and dance to celebrate Qiqiao Festival (from the evening of the 30th day of the sixth lunar month to the seventh day of the seventh lunar month). During the festival, the women also pray to the Weaving Maid for happiness and good luck. Each also hopes the goddess will help her find "Prince Charming," and will grant her a lively mind and a quick hand. The festival, which dates back more than 1,800 years, is referred to as the "living fossil" of the ancient Chinese Qiqiao culture (praying to the goddess for wisdom and good fortune).
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