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引用本文:谢翠平. 意义发生的神经达尔文主义观[J]. 北京科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2018, 34(4): 49-55
作者单位:四川师范大学外国语学院, 成都 610000
摘    要:文章基于意义发生理论的社会生物学理据和神经达尔文主义的基本内涵,探索系统功能语言学(SFL)中意义发生的神经生物学基础以及人类的语言认知,以此厘清SFL与神经生物科学的关联基础,认为意义发生研究是SFL与神经生物科学的关联发展方向。意义发生的神经达尔文主义观凸现了SFL的辩证唯物主义语言演化观;SFL与神经认知科学的相互印证表明,SFL不但考虑语言的社会因素,而且也考虑生物体内部因素,这有助于澄清部分学者认为SFL忽视生物体内部因素的误读。SFL的不断发展和完善,为语言的神经生物学研究建构了连贯的语言处理模型,而后者又为SFL提供了坚实的生物体内基石,为今后的超学科研究指明了方向,有助于拓展系统功能语言学领域的复杂性科学研究。 

关 键 词:意义发生   神经达尔文主义   系统功能语言学

The Neurobiological Basis of Semogenesis: A Perspective of Neural Darwinism
Affiliation:School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal Uiversity, Chengdu 610000, China
Abstract:This paper firstly traces the sociobiological acountability of semogenesis and then interprets the tenets of neural Darwinism,with an aim to explore the neurobiological basis of semogenesis and language cognition from the perspective of SFL and thus illuminate the relationship between SFL and neurobiological science,holding that semogenesis is a new direction in relating the two disciplines.The interpretation of semogenesis from the perspective of neural Darwinism highlights the dialectical materialistic view of language evolution in SFL.The association between SFL and neural cognitive sciences indicates that SFL covers both inter-organic(i.e.social)and intra-organic(i.e.neuro-biological)aspects of language.This may help to clarify the misconception that SFL ignores the intra-organic factors.Due to the latest development of SFL,a coherent language-processing model has been constructed for the neurobiological study of language,which in turn provides a solid intra-organic basis for SFL.It is then argued that the complexity science should be adopted into the study of SFL,which will be a new direction in the transdisciplinary research of SFL. 
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