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摘    要:通过争取成为联合国安理会常任理事国实现政治大国目标 ,在国际关系中发挥重大政治影响力是日本既定的国家目标 ,我国学术界和媒体高度关注它的这一目标 ,对此进行了激烈的争论 ,应该说这些争论对活跃学术气氛有积极意义 ,但这些争论基本没有突破双边的层次 ,是一种狭隘的国家利益观。本文认为 ,中日两国的一举一动都会对国际关系产生重大影响 ,因此 ,应该超越双边关系 ,站在更高的基点来辩证地、理性地、创造性地理解和处理中日关系 ,我们将努力寻找既能解决中日关系的现实矛盾 ,同时又能够推动中日关系的向前发展的新途径 ,并以此服务于亚太地区的长期稳定与中国的发展

关 键 词:联合国  常任理事国  亚洲的整合

Beyond Bilateral Relationship:Japan's Aim to Become a Permanent Member of the Security Council and China's Attitude
Abstract:Japan's fixed aim is to become a political power by trying to be a permanent member of the Security Council of the UN. This has aroused concerns in the academic circles and media in China, and has thus caused heated arguments. It can be said that these arguments are of great positive significance in enlivening the academic atmosphere, but they haven't yet gone beyond the bilateral interests between China and Japan, only with a view to national interests. The writer of the present article thinks that, we should go beyond bilateral relationship and stand on a vantage point to understand and handle the relationship between China and Japan dialectically, sensibly, and creatively. We should make efforts to solve the existing issues between two sides, to promote the relationship between the two countries and to serve the long term stability in the Asian and Pacific areas and the development of China.
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