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引用本文:王文涛. 论汉代的社会保障思想[J]. 苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2012, 33(4): 159-166,192
作者单位:河北师范大学 历史文化学院,河北 石家庄,050024
摘    要:汉代社会保障内容丰富,以民为本是汉代社会保障的思想基础。汉代社会救济思想包括贫困救济和灾后补救两部分,可以细分为养恤、安辑、赈济、调粟、放贷和节约等学说。仓储后备说是依靠国家力量来储粮备荒、保障社会成员基本生存权利的思想。尊老养老不仅是汉代衡量上至将相、下至平民的伦理道德规范,而且统治者还将其上升至政治理论与实践的高度,定为一项基本国策,极力倡导全体国人执行。调均思想包括贫富有差和贫富有度两个方面,立论重点是防止贫富过分悬殊,只有解决好民生问题,民众才会听命于君主。早期佛教和道教中的慈善思想初具雏形,开后世宗教慈善之先河。民本思想指导下的社会保障思想与专制统治共存,属于专制思想范畴。

关 键 词:汉代社会保障  社会救助  社会救济  宗教慈善

Discuss the Social Security Thought of Han Dynasty
Wang Wen-tao. Discuss the Social Security Thought of Han Dynasty[J]. Academic Journal of Suzhou University(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2012, 33(4): 159-166,192
Authors:Wang Wen-tao
Affiliation:Wang Wen-tao
Abstract:The contents of social security of Han Dynasty are very rich.Relying on the people was the thinking basis of social security of Han dynasty.The social relief thoughts of Han Dynasty included two parts: poverty relief and disaster recovery.They could be divided into pension、placation、dole、import-millet、lending and economy theories and so on.The storage and reserve theory is a kind of thought which relies on the state’s power to store up grain against famine and guarantee the basic survival rights of members of society.To respect and provide for the old was not only the ethics and moral standard to measure from military and political leaders to the common people,but also a basic state policy which the rulers rose it to a height of political theory and practice.And the rulers strongly proposed to execute all over the country.The thought of equalization included two aspects: differences between the rich and poor and degree between the rich and poor.The emphasis of making a point is to prevent the wide gap between the rich and poor.Only when the problem of the people’s livelihood is solved,the common people will take orders from the monarch.The charitable thought in early Buddhism and Taoism began to emerge,opening the religion charity of later ages its kind.The social security thought directed by People Thought coexisted with the absolute rule.It belonged to autocratic thought.
Keywords:Han Dynasty  the social security  social assistance  social relief  charity
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