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Führungspositionen im Ehrenamt – ein weiterer Bereich der Benachteiligung von Frauen?Management Positions in Volunteering – Another Field of Discrimination of Women?
Authors:Marcel Erlinghagen  Belit ?aka  Ina Steffentorweihen
Abstract:Based on data of the 2009 German Volunteer Survey (“Freiwilligensurvey”) the paper analyses whether there is evidence for a discrimination of women in filling management positions in the volunteer sector. It turns out that women have a significant lower propensity to take up an unpaid volunteer management position. This correlation is also robust when we control for self-selection bias as well as certain important socio-demographic, socio-economic and volunteer-specific determinants. Further on we can show that this kind of gender-specific discrimination can be found particularly in leisure-time clubs and religious organisations. These results indicate that structural and organisational parameters play an important role to explain gender specific differences in filling volunteer management positions.
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