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引用本文:杨茂盛,陈春霞. 党项人的宗族部族及其民族与国家的形成[J]. 黑龙江民族丛刊, 2003, 0(2): 69-77
作者姓名:杨茂盛  陈春霞
摘    要:对于党项民族的统一和国家的形成,传统的说法是根据极其有限的范例,认为是在氏族部落及其联盟的基础上发展起来,即是在氏族部落的废墟上完成了民族的统一和国家的建立。西方学者在上个世纪的六七十年代,提出了被一些国内学者所接受的“酋邦”说,似乎看到并论述了宗族部族政权的存在,但“酋邦”说概括不了宗族部族政权的性质和形成的原因。笔者从历史史实和逻辑推理两个方,论证了党项民族是直接在宗族部族的新基础上,完成了民族的统一和国家的建立。在西夏国建立之前,《宋史·兵志五》就详细记载了党项人处在宗族如林的宗族部族发展阶段。最富强的拓拔——李氏宗族的几代人,利用正确的政策和策略,实现了统一党项和建立国家的任务:利用中原王朝的加封在其民族中树立起任何势力也代替不了的威信与地位;用姻亲关系联络强宗大族以加强同各宗族部族的联系;“委豪右分统其众”,“以兵法勒部众”,提纲挈领地抓住了变宗族部族首领为国家官员、变宗族部族武装为国家武装的金钥匙;用官爵、钱物笼络各宗族部族的大小首领为其保卫国家和统治人民服务;用首领子弟组成“六班值”亲军来控制各个宗族部族组织;向各宗族部族的人灌输儒家思想,使其忠于皇族;用宗族部族制宗族部族,以巩固皇族对全国的统治;善于处理与宋、辽的

关 键 词:党项  拓拔——李氏宗族  宗族部族  民族统一  国家形成

The clansman and Tribe of Dangxiang and the Formation of Their Nationality and Country
YANG Mao sheng CHEN Chun xia. The clansman and Tribe of Dangxiang and the Formation of Their Nationality and Country[J]. Heilongjiang National Series, 2003, 0(2): 69-77
Authors:YANG Mao sheng CHEN Chun xia
Affiliation:North cultural relic magazine House
Abstract:The traditional statement to the unity of the Dangxiang nationality and the formation of their country considered that formed at the basic of the clan tribe and it's union; finished the unify of the nationality and the formation of the country af the ruins of the Clan tribe. In the 1960s or 1970s last century, the "Qiubang" theory Put forward by the western scholars discussed the existence of the clansman and tribe government. But it can't conclude the reasons of the formation and the character of the clansman and tribe. The writers discussed that the Dangxiang nationality finished the national unity and the country formation directly at the new basic of the clansman and tribe from historical fact sand analysis. Before the formation of XiXia country, Song history, soldier history 5. recorded the stage of the Dangxiang clansman and tribe developing in detail. Tuoba - Li several generations of the clansman, using correct polity and way, achieved the assignment of the unifying of Dangxiang and the formation of the country. Using the given by the central plains dynasty to cultivate prestige and position which can not be replaced by other power, using relationship by marriage to get in touch with stronger clan to strengthen the contact with other clansman and tribe; the outline grasp the key to change the leader s of the clan - into the officials, the arms into national arms; using official position. Money to win the leaders of all clansman and tribes to service for their country; using the juniors of the leaders to form the army to control the organizations of all clans imbuing the clansman with the Confucian idea to make them be loyal to the people of imperial lineage; using the clansman and tribe to rule the clansman and tribe to strengthen to control all the country, be good at to deal with the relation ship with Song and Liao to service for the living and developing of Xia.
Keywords:Dang Xiang  the Tuoba- Li clansman  clansman and tribe  the nationality unity  the country formation
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