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引用本文:杨思基1,孙婷婷2. 坚持用唯物史观批判历史虚无主义[J]. 长安大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 0(4): 114-123
作者姓名:杨思基1  孙婷婷2
作者单位:1.苏州大学政治与公共管理学院,江苏苏州215123; 2.中国农业大学马克思主义学院,北京100083
摘    要:历史观问题是影响人们能否正确认识与借鉴历史经验的重要问题,是国家意识形态建设的基本内容。唯物史观作为指导无产阶级认识历史、探索历史发展规律的根本观点和方法论,它是唯一科学的社会历史观和历史研究方法。当前,我们对历史虚无主义以学术研究的名义企图动摇唯物史观的科学地位,颠覆、改写人民创造历史的企图必须予以彻底揭露,而只有运用唯物史观对历史虚无主义展开批判,才能在理论上彻底揭露历史虚无主义的理论实质及其虚伪性、误导性和强烈的政治诉求,为巩固马克思主义思想的指导地位、推动人类社会历史健康而正常地发展服务。历史虚无主义以“反思历史”“重新解读历史”为名否定中华文明乃至整个中华民族的历史,否定中国近代以来一切革命尤其是中国新民主主义革命和社会主义革命建设的历史,否定马克思主义思想指导和中国共产党的领导,带有严重的主观主义、唯心主义、形而上学倾向;它宣扬资本主宰决定一切——一切都要服从服务于资本主义剩余价值生产的“资本逻辑”,否定革命,推崇改良,宣扬抽象人性论和极端个人主义,是地道的唯心史观,归根到底它是反对中国走社会主义道路。

关 键 词:唯物史观  唯心史观  历史虚无主义  “资本逻辑”  社会主义道路

Adherence to historical materialism to criticize historical nihilism
YANG Si-ji1,SUN Ting-ting2. Adherence to historical materialism to criticize historical nihilism[J]. Journal of Chang'an University(Social Sciences Edition), 2017, 0(4): 114-123
Authors:YANG Si-ji1  SUN Ting-ting2
Affiliation:1.School of Politics and Public Administration, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, China; 2.School of Marxism, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:The issue of historical view is an important question that influences people’s correct understanding and learning from historical experience, and it is also the basic content of the construction of national ideology. Historical materialism is the basic viewpoint and methodology that guides the proletariat to recognize history and explore the law of historical development, and it is the only scientific conception of society and history and historical research methods. At present, we attempt to shake the scientific position of historical materialism in the name of academic research for historical nihilism. The attempts of subversion and rewriting of people creating history must be thoroughly exposed. Only by using historical materialism to criticize historical nihilism, can we thoroughly expose the theoretical essence of the historical nihilism, its hypocrisy, misleading and strong political appeal, so as to consolidate the guiding position of Marxist thought and promote the healthy and normal development of human social history. Historical nihilism negates the history of Chinese civilization and the whole Chinese nation in the name of “reconsidering history” and “reinterpreting history”, negates the history of all the revolutions since modern times, especially Chinese new democratic revolution and the construction of socialist revolution, and negates the guidance of Marxist thoughts and the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which have the serious tendencies of subjectivism, idealism and metaphysics. It preaches that capitalism dominates everything——everything should serve and obey the “capital logic” produced by the capitalist surplus value. Historical nihilism, negating revolution, highly praising reform and advocating abstract human nature and extreme individualism, is a genuine idealist conception of history. In the final analysis, it opposes China’s socialist road.
Keywords:materialist conception of history  idealist conception of history  historical nihilism  “capital logic”  socialist road
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