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引用本文:南长森,白霞. 融合发展、综合创新:2016年新闻传播学科发展述评[J]. 长安大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 0(1): 106-124
作者姓名:南长森  白霞
摘    要:中国新闻传播学科在2016年有了新的发展,通过文献梳理、对比分析,将2016年新闻传播学科发展归纳为9个方面。研究认为,习近平总书记在党的新闻舆论工作座谈会等系列会议上的讲话,指明了新闻舆论工作的性质和定位,深刻回答了党的新闻事业发展和新闻舆论工作中的一系列重大理论与实践问题,习近平总书记的新闻舆论观是指导新闻宣传和舆论工作的强大思想武器和理论指南;互联网等新媒体技术重塑和改变着中国新闻业,“媒体+直播”的模式成为众多媒体突出新闻现场感的报道模式,人工智能机器人开始变革新闻生产方式,VR技术进入媒体领域并不断深入,社交化媒体成为重要的舆情场域,在社交化和数字化变革发展中的新闻业呈现危机与机遇并存的局面;媒体融合从业界的媒体创新实践上升到国家战略,媒体融合成为传媒集团创新实践的重要手段,学界也对媒介融合的概念进行了进一步解析,反思了目前媒介融合的难点和发展瓶颈,认为亟需从业态的媒介融合转向社会形态的媒介融合;在与新媒体的融合发展过程中,传统媒体需要通过媒体平台间优势资源的互补、重组与整合,通过组织融合和机构创新实现战略化转型;数据新闻成为新闻业重要的创新实践,在改变新闻生产方式的同时衍生了出其他社会现象,浅阅读、碎片化阅读和同质化阅读普遍,数据新闻缺乏深度和人文思考的问题突出,应以政府为核心实施“大数据战略”,增加数据新闻的新闻温度;新媒体产品创新的理念和产品重构着人们的思维方式和生活方式,新媒体发展进入了社交基因全面渗透时期,新媒体从业者应坚持正确的舆论导向,不能片面追求市场效应和商业利益,应促进社会化媒体的舆论健康发展;互联网的开放性使其成为多种意见的集散地和多元价值观的呈现场所,应从政策法规方面完善网络安全管理,明确各行为主体要担负的互联网治理责任,优化互联网治理模式,提升互联网治理能力,让网络生态逐渐好转;在“互联网+”环境下,当前的中国新闻传播学界做的却是“+互联网”,新闻传播学研究者应在对西方理论的过度倚重中反思新的理论面向和学科范式,坚持马克思主义新闻观,引入认知传播视角思考传播学研究的本土转换,反思新闻学的规范性研究;新闻传播院校应推行适应新闻业变化的新闻传播教育,要明确人才培养定位,落实马克思主义新闻观教育,提升新闻传播人才综合实力。

关 键 词:习近平总书记  新闻舆论观  马克思主义新闻观  媒体融合  互联网治理  新闻传播学  新闻传播教育  社交化

Integration development and comprehensive innovation: areview of the development of journalismin 2016
NAN Chang-sen,BAI Xia. Integration development and comprehensive innovation: areview of the development of journalismin 2016[J]. Journal of Chang'an University(Social Sciences Edition), 2017, 0(1): 106-124
Authors:NAN Chang-sen  BAI Xia
Affiliation:School of Journalism and Communication, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710119, Shaanxi, China
Abstract:In 2016, the discipline of journalism and communication in China has undergone a new development. By reviewing and analyzing the literature, the development of journalism and communication in 2016 can be divided into nine aspects. The results show that General Secretary XI Jin ping points out the nature and orientation of news and public opinion work in his speeches of series of meetings including the news and public opinion work meeting, and profoundly answers a series of important theoretical and practical issues in the development of journalism and public opinion work. XI Jin ping’s viewpoint of the media is the powerful thought weapon and theory guide for news broadcast and public opinion work.New media technology such as the Internet remodels and changes the Chinese journalism. The mode of “media and the live broadcast” has been used by many media to enhance news scene; artificial intelligence robothas begun to alter the way of news production; VR technology has stepped into the media field and continues to develop; social media has become an important field of public opinion. The crisis and opportunities coexist in the development of socialization and digital change of journalism.Media integration upgrades from the industry’s media innovation practice to the national strategy.It has become an important means of innovation and practice for media groups. Scholars further analyze the concept of media integration,reflect the current difficulties and development bottlenecks of media integration, and think that it’s urgent to transform the media from industrial integration to social integration.In the process of development and integration with new media, the traditional media needs to make use of the superior resources between different media platforms for restructuring, recombination and integration, and realize strategic transformation through organization integration and institution innovation. Data news has been the important innovation practice of the journalism, which not only changes the news production mode, but also derives other social phenomena.Shallow reading, fragmentation reading and homogeneity reading become popular. It’s obvious that data news lacks depth and humanistic thinking. Therefore, the government should implement the “big data strategy” in order to increase the humanistic depth and highness of data news. The ideas and products of new media innovation reshape people’s way of thinking and living. New media has developed into the social gene full penetration period.Unfinished,please see the article。
Keywords:General Secretary XI Jin-ping  news and public opinion  Marxist journalism  media integration  Internet management  journalism and communication  journalism education  socialization
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