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引用本文:刘固盛. 论宋代老学的思想价值[J]. 长安大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 0(4): 104-113
摘    要:宋元时期是道教发展的转折期,老学的发展由此也发生了变化,从学术史和思想史结合的角度,王安石、司马光、范应元、董思靖、张伯端等学者的学术思想进行分析,对流传至今的宋代《老子》注本进行研究。研究认为,从文本诠释的角度来看,宋人解《老子》重视义理,并开以道教内丹解《老子》之新风;从思想的层面看,宋代老学重视心性之学的阐发,儒家注重阐发道德性命之学,道教注重发挥内丹心性理论,佛教则重在明心见性,同时宋代老学也反映出儒、道、释思想的互相包容与深度融合;宋代老学研究者身份的多样化和突出的思想创造性成为宋代老学发展的重要特点,其对理学的影响以及于道教义理建构上的贡献是其中两个突出的方面,可见当时的思想界在不同思想之间彼此激发所呈现出来的蓬勃创造力。

关 键 词:宋代老学  思想价值  理学  道教  《老子》  义理

On ideological value of Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty
LIU Gu-sheng. On ideological value of Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty[J]. Journal of Chang'an University(Social Sciences Edition), 2017, 0(4): 104-113
Authors:LIU Gu-sheng
Affiliation:School of History and Culture, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, Hubei, China
Abstract:Song and Yuan dynasties were the turning period of the development of Taoism, and the development of Lao Xue also changed. From the perspectives of academic history and ideological history, the academic thoughts of WANG An shi, SIMA Guang, FAN Ying yuan, DONE Si jing, ZHANG Bo duan and other scholars were analyzed, and Lao tzu notes in the Song Dynasty which has been passed so far was studied in this paper. The research shows that from the perspective of text interpretation, people of Song Dynasty attach great importance to philosophical connotation in interpreting Lao tzu, and use Taoist internal alchemy to interpret the new trend of Lao tzu; from the ideological level, Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty pays attention to the theory of mind and nature, Confucianism emphasizes the explanation of moral life, Taoism attaches importance to theory of internal alchemy mind and nature, and Buddhism focuses on finding one’s true self. At the same time, Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty also reflects the mutual tolerance and deep integration of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism; as for the researchers of Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty, the diversity of their identity and prominent creativity of thought become the important characteristics of the development of Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty. Its influences on Neo Confucianism and contributions to the construction of Taoist philosophy are two prominent aspects. Thus, it is clear that the ideological circles at that time stimulate the vigorous creativity among different ideas.
Keywords:Lao Xue in the Song Dynasty  ideological value  Neo Confucianism  Taoism  Lao tzu  philosophical connotation
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