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引用本文:李龙,蔡东洲. 杨贵妃所嗜荔枝贡地考辨[J]. 西南石油大学学报(社会科学版), 2016, 18(5): 86-90. DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.06.01.01
作者姓名:李龙  蔡东洲
作者单位:西华师范大学历史文化学院, 四川 南充 637009
摘    要:杨玉环是中国历史上喜吃荔枝的绝世佳人。但是,正史中并未确载杨贵妃所嗜荔枝之贡地,以致自宋以降便出现了岭南和涪州两地之说。宋人苏东坡《荔枝叹》、乐史《太平寰宇记》等持涪州说,而元、明、清时期的地理志、野史笔记、荔枝谱记也多持此说。但是,唐人杜甫《病橘诗》、宋人司马光《资治通鉴》等则持岭南说。通过梳理和考辨史料,结合实地踏勘,认定涪州当为主要贡地,理由有三:一则唐时涪州盛产之荔枝并不亚于岭南;二则涪州至长安仅二千多里而岭南至长安则四、五千里,利于保鲜和节约开销;三则作为蜀人的杨玉环在成为玄宗宠妃后倍思家乡荔枝乃人之常情。当然,由于杨贵妃的侍宠和名相张九龄的宣扬,岭南亦有过贡献的尝试。

关 键 词:杨贵妃  涪州  岭南  荔枝  荔枝道  

Exploration of the Provenance of the Tribute Litchi to Yang Guifei
Li Long,Cai Dongzhou. Exploration of the Provenance of the Tribute Litchi to Yang Guifei[J]. Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition), 2016, 18(5): 86-90. DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2016.06.01.01
Authors:Li Long  Cai Dongzhou
Affiliation:School of History and Culture, China West Normal University, Nanchong Sichuan, 637009, China
Abstract:Yang Yuhuan was the best know beauty in Chinese history who liked litchi. But as for where her favorite litchi came from,there were no official records. Since Song,two places: Lingnan and Fuzhou,had been regarded as the provenance of the tribute litchi. Some of Su Dongpo's poems and historical records supported Fuzhou as the provenance,but evidence supporting Lingnan as the provenance also existed in Du Fu' poem and in Zhizhi Tongjian by Sima Guang. Through combing and verifying related historical data, and through field inspection, we believe that Fuzhou is the main tribute place. The reasons are: firstly, litchi abounded in Fuzhou in the Tang dynasty as in Lingnan; secondly, Fuzhou is two thousand li nearer to Changan than Lingnan, which is favorable for the litchi to stay fresh and for saving cost; thirdly, it was natural for Yang Yuhuan, who was from Shu (today's Sichuan), to miss her favorable home flavor after becoming the favorite imperial concubine. Certainly, because of the publicity of Yang Guifei's servants and Zhang Jiuling,a senior government official then,Lingnan also attempted to pay its tribute of litchi to Yang Guifei.
Keywords:Yang Guifei  Fuzhou  Lingnan  litchi  Litchi Road  
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