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摘    要:独特的士林文化品格造就了独特的晚明文人,而他们情有独钟的小品文,恰如一面镜子,反映出他们独特的心态.山水小品清新隽永,追求真趣,想象奇特,融俗于雅.闲适小品澹泊从容,富有闲情雅趣.追求闲适,是晚明文人崇佛向道、淡泊避世的一种方式,是晚明个性解放思想影响下的一道人文风景,也是他们掩饰其内心失意和焦灼的自我安慰.香艳小品放荡不羁,纵情声色.打破了程朱理学"存天理、灭人欲"的传统道德之后,晚明文人一反常态,恣意纵情声色.这与个性解放思想和"尊情说"的影响有关,也与文人士大夫根深蒂固的风流"雅好"不无关系.但无论如何,在他们放浪行骸的外表之下,隐藏着的仍是一颗颗抱负不得施展的焦虑、困惑的心灵.

关 键 词:个性天趣  山水小品  闲适小品  艳情小品

The Theory of Categorization of the Essays in the Late Ming Dynasty
DUAN Ji-hong.The Theory of Categorization of the Essays in the Late Ming Dynasty[J].Journal of Shanxi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition),2001,24(6):62-65.
Authors:DUAN Ji-hong
Abstract:The unique cultural significance shaped the personality of the literary men in the late Ming Dynasty. Their favorite essays reflected their frame of mind to the letter. The essays of travel notes showed freshness in style and imagination; those of easy life displayed their simple and easy to content hearts, which was akin to the then ideology where most literary men tended to escape; while those of colorful and sensuous demonstrated the tendency that after the late Ming Dynasty, the literary men are expected to indulge themselves in physical plea- sure, which appeared to be the opposite to the traditional morality, and this phenomenon itself had a lot to do with the fundamental inclination as to readiness to please. Anyway whatever appearances they assumed, there is one point clear that all these literary men turned out to be men of losers with a discouraged heart.
Keywords:personality  Landscape essay  Leisure essay: fleowery essay  
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