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引用本文:何燕. 江苏人口与可持续发展主要指标状况比较分析——以2006—2012年指标值及无量纲值为依据[J]. 南京人口管理干部学院学报, 2014, 30(4): 18-27
摘    要:通过对江苏省2006—2012年可持续发展指标进行历史纵向比较及与其他国家地区的横向比较分析,得出如下结论:(1)江苏经济增长速度较快,固定资产投资率很高,产业结构逐步优化,但经济发展的效益及工业企业效益不高、科技创新成绩显著、进出口规模增长较快、经济发展的区域不平衡性有所缓和、城乡收入差距呈扩大态势。(2)江苏社会发展中贫富差距较大、失业率有所下降,社会保障程度不高,人民生活水平与发达国家地区尚有不小差距。(3)江苏人口总量大,密度高;人口自然增长率接近零,未来随着单独二孩政策的实施,江苏省人口出生率可能会有所上升,但结果仍需长期观察;人口文化素质、教育结构改善较显著,与发达国家地区还有一定差距,但差距正在缩小;老龄人口绝对数量大、人口老龄化速度快,势头猛;人口从业结构有较大改善;人口城镇化水平还不高。(4)江苏资源环境状况尚不容乐观。森林、水等资源亟待保护与合理使用;资源使用效率较为低下,能耗过大;城市环保任务仍很艰巨。

关 键 词:可持续发展  经济增长  社会发展  贫富差距  人口老龄化  资源使用效率  资源环境

Comparative Analysis of Population and Leading Indicators of the Sustainable Development in Jiangsu Province: Based on the Annul Index and Dimensionless Quantity 2006-2012
Abstract:From 2006 to 2012, fairly large changes have taken place in Jiangsug various aspects of sus- tainable development, whose indicators are studied not only through a linear analysis of the province history but also through the comparison with other countries and regions, the findings are: (1) Jiangsu has a fast economic growth, very high fixed asset investment rate, gradually optimized industry struc- ture, but the benefits of economic development and industrial enterprise efficiency are not high, the a- chievements of science and technology innovation are remarkable, import and export scale grow rapid- ly, regional imbalance of economic development has eased, the income gap between urban and rural areas is growing. (2) In the province social development, the rich - poor gap is bigger, the unem- ployment rate has dropped, the social security level is not high, and peopleg living standard is rather lower than the developed countries and regions. (3) the province has a huge total population gross, a high population density; the natural population growth rate nears zero growth, and with the two -child policy implementing in the future, the birth rate is likely to rise, but the result still need a long -term observation; the Population "s cuhural quality and educational structure have been significantly im- proved, with still a certain gap from the developed countries and regions, though the gap is narrowing; the absolute quantity of ageing population is big, and the population aging speeds fast and strong; Pop- ulation occupational structure has improved substantially; Population urbanization level is not high. (4) The province resources and environment condition is still not optimistic. Forests, water and so on need an urgent protection and rational use; the efficiency of resource use is relatively low, energy con- sumption level is too high; urban environmental protection task is still arduous.
Keywords:sustainable development  economic growth  social development  poor - rich gap  population aging  efficiency of resources use  resource and environment
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