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引用本文:杨宝臣 王 艳 张世英. 小样本协整系统的检验[J]. 管理科学, 2002, 5(1): 70-75
作者姓名:杨宝臣 王 艳 张世英
摘    要:采用Mon te Carlo 模拟方法, 给出了小样本容量下协整检验临界值的响应面( respon sesu rface) 方程. 结果表明小样本协整检验的临界值不仅与样本容量有关, 还依赖于协整检验中的滞后阶数. 最后对中国城镇居民的食品消费进行了小样本协整分析.

关 键 词:协整检验   响应面方法   小样本

Co in tegration test in small sample
Abstract:In th is paper, w e develop the respon se su rface equat ion s fo r the crit ical value fo rco in tegrat ion test in sm all samp le u singMon te Carlo sim u lat ion. The sim u lat ion resu lt s indicate thatthe crit ical values are related w ith the num ber of the samp le data as w ell as the lagged o rder fo rco in tegrat ion test. W e also p resen t an emp irical analysis fo r the food con sump t ion of the Ch ineseresiden t s in cit ies and tow n s.
Keywords:cointegration test   response surface method   sm all sample
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