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Robert Frost's Visit to the USSR
Abstract:Yesterday we saw off Robert Frost, the eminent veteran American poet, who had been our guest for ten days. This is too short a span for a close-up of the face of a country, especially when it is as large as ours. It is also impossible to establish and strengthen those bonds of cordial amity without which there is no profound and frank mutual understanding. But though this is all very true, it can also turn out otherwise. Our guest's inexhaustible and youthful curiosity enabled him even in so short a time to attain, if not a deep understanding, at least a fresh and strong feeling of our country's creative atmosphere, of the manifestations of the Soviet people's creative energies discernible in every aspect of their daily life, and—in particular and especially—the Soviet man's burning, direct, all-embracing interest in the destinies of his own literature and that of the world in general, and his keen heartfelt interest in the ringing word of poetry.
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